RF Modules Setup

WMS RF Putaway can be set up as
  1. System Directed Putaway or
    • The system will direct the user to the best putaway location based on the putaway rules.
  2. User Suggested Putaway.
    • The user will be able to choose the putaway location.

Available RF Modules to be added to menus:

  • rf.inbound.cwrfputaway (Putaway) - This transaction will be configured as Directed or Suggested Putaway
Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Add Putaway Transaction Screen Configuration UI Module: RF Module: rf.inbound.cwrfputaway (Putaway) rf.inbound.cwrfputawayactive (Putaway to Active)
Note: This may have already been configured in the 'Menu Configuration' Section
In the 'Screen Configuration' UI Module, add module: Putaway - rf.inbound.cwrfputaway (Putaway)