Set Up Allocation Rules

The wave template be linked to an allocation mode. The allocation mode will specify the rules of allocation:

  • The sequence of Allocation by the Unit of Measure (Full LPN/Pallet, Cases, Packs, Units) *Note: Full Pallet picking is possible if all LPNs on a pallet are allocated.
  • The Location Area from which inventory should be allocated (Reserve, Active, etc…)
  • The Distribution Mode for inventory consolidation if needed (Distribution to Store)
  • The Cartonize UOM to specify how Outbound LPNs are created (LPN level, Inner Case level, Cubed...)
Note: The cartonize UOM will specify if units will be cubed. The cubing process is the process of allocating inventory to outbound containers based on the dimensions of the allocated inventory.

To set the Allocation Mode:

  1. First follow Section 'Set Up Allocation Mode'
  2. Second, set up configuration for one or any combination of the available allocation types (Non-Cubed, Cubed, Distribution).

Set Up Allocation Mode

Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Set Allocation Mode Templates Wave Templates Link 'Allocation Mode' Multiple Allocation Modes can be set up for different flows and for different types of orders. Each allocation mode will be linked to a specific wave template.
  1. Login at specific company level
  2. In UI Module 'Wave Template' access the link 'Allocation Mode'
  3. Add a new wave search by entering a Allocation Mode Name and saving the allocation mode
Allocation Sequence Wave Templates Link 'Allocation Mode' The sequence of allocation will specify the order in which inventory should be allocated either from a specific location area, or at the level of UOM .. Multiple Allocation Sequences can be set up. (i.e. First allocate from Active, Second allocate Full Cases from Reserve Area 1, Third Units from Reserve Area 2 etc...)
  1. Under the link 'Allocation Mode' select the allocation mode and access the details
  2. Add an allocation sequence, enter a sequence number
Location Type Wave Templates Link 'Allocation Mode' The location type will specify the type of locations from which inventory will be allocated for the specific allocation sequence. (i.e. Seq 1 - Allocate from Active Seq 2 - If there is no available Active Inventory - Allocate from Reserve)
  1. Under the 'Allocation Mode' details
  2. Under the location type: select Active or Reserve based on the types of locations that will be set up in the location master
Location Area and Zone Restrication (Optional) Wave Templates Link 'Allocation Mode' Allocation can be restricted to specific location areas or location allocation zones set up in the location master. Inventory will only be allocated from the specified areas and/or allocation zones. Areas and Zones are not required to be specified. This can also be used to prioritize allocation by location area/zone (i.e. Seq 1 - Allocate Units from Area 1 Seq 2 - Allocate Units from Area 2)
  1. Under the 'Allocation Mode' details
  2. In field 'Restrict Area', enter the location area that needs to be restricted for allocation if needed
  3. In field 'Restrict Allocation Zone' enter the location allocation zone that needs to be restricted for allocation if needed

Allocation - Non-Cubed Picking

Non-Cubed Picking in WMS is defined as picking inventory that will not be assigned to outbound containers based on volume and dimensions.

Non-Cubed Picking is done via task excution for picking units, packs, cases and LPNs to an outbound container.

For non-cubed unit/pack/case picking, containers will be created during picking. BlindOutbound LPNs labels will be used for printing.

For non-cubed full LPN picking, containers can be created with the wave since the Inbound LPN can be used as an outbound LPN. In this case, Container Labels can be printed at the wave.

Note: Non-Cubed picking can also be used to bulk pick inventory into a temporary container/tote and repacked into appropriate shipping containers after picking. This is used for E-commerce distribution.
Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Allocation UOM Wave Templates Link 'Allocation Mode' The Allocation UOM will specify the Unit of Measure level at which inventory will be allocated for picking (LPNs, Cases, Units...) Allocation can be prioritized by UOM (i.e. Full LPN first, then units) Active Locations will only allocate Units Reserve Locations will allocate LPNs, Cases, Packs and Units for non-cubed picking. Cases and Packs allocation will be based on the Standard Case and Packs Quantities in the Item Master.
  1. Under the 'Allocation Mode' details
  2. Under field 'Allocation UOM': - If location type chosen is active, the UOM does not need to be specified. This will be units by default. - If location type chosen is reserve, Select the UOM at which inventory needs to be allocated for the specific allocation sequence.
Active Locations - Cartonize UOM Wave Templates Link 'Allocation Mode' The Cartonize UOM will specify how allocated inventory will be assigned to outbound containers. WMS will create outbound containers at the level of UOM specified. For Active Locations, no option will be selected for non-cubed picked: - None - Outbound Containers will be created during picking
  1. Under the 'Allocation Mode' details
  2. Under field 'Caronize UOM': - Do not select an option if picking will be done with tasks
Reserve Locations - Cartonize UOM Allocation UOM: Units/Packs/Cases Wave Templates Link 'Allocation Mode' The Cartonize UOM will specify how allocated inventory will be assigned to outbound containers. WMS will create outbound containers at the level of UOM specified. For Partial Reserve Picking, non-cubed options are as follow: - None - Outbound Containers will be created by users during picking - Units, Packs, Cases - Outbound containers will be created per each UOM at packing (i.e. After packing inventory WMS will create an outbound LPN per each UOM) - LPNs - Outbound containers will be created at the wave for inventory. (i.e. An LPN will be created at the wave for all inventory at the same UOM level). Container Labels can be printed at the wave.
  1. Under the 'Allocation Mode' details
  2. Under field 'Caronize UOM': - Select an option for UOM based on how Outbound LPNs need to be created (i.e. An Outbound LPN can be created for each inner case if needed)
Reserve Locations - Cartonize UOM Allocation UOM: Full LPNs Wave Templates Link 'Allocation Mode' The Cartonize UOM will specify how allocated inventory will be assigned to outbound containers. WMS will create outbound containers at the level of UOM specified. For full LPN non-cubed picking, options are as follow: - LPNs - Outbound Containers will be created per each LPN allocated. Shipping labels can be printed at the wave.
  1. Under the 'Allocation Mode' details
  2. Under field 'Caronize UOM': - Select LPNs
Active Locations - Distribution Mode Wave Templates Link 'Allocation Mode' The distribution Mode for non-cubed picking tasks will be 'No distribution'.
  1. Under the 'Allocation Mode' details
  2. Under field 'Distribution Mode': - Select No distribution
Reserve Locations - Distribution Mode Wave Templates Link 'Allocation Mode' The distribution Mode for non-cubed picking tasks will be 'No distribution'.
  1. Under the 'Allocation Mode' details
  2. Under field 'Distribution Mode': - Select No distribution

Allocation - Cubed Picking and Pick to Cart

Cubed Allocation in WMS is defined as assigning inventory to outbound containers based on containers' dimensions, max volume and weight. Outbound containers will be created at the wave or after packing based on the items' dimensions, volume and weight.

  1. Pick Cart Functionality - Cubed Allocation can be done at the wave. Outbound Containers can will be created at the wave based on dimensions, volume and weight of inventory. In this case container/shippping labels can be printed at the wave. Containers will then be assigned to the pick cart. Multiple orders can be picked at a time with the pick cart functionality.
  2. Cubed Allocation can also be done at packing. Outbound Containers sizes/types will be calculated but not created at the wave. Outbound Containers will be created at packing.
This can be used to pick inventory into a temporary LPN or tote and then distribute Inventory into the cubed calculated OBLPNs.
Note: Pick Cart will not be used in this case.
Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Allocation UOM Wave Templates Link 'Allocation Mode' The Allocation UOM will specify the Unit of Measure level at which inventory will be allocated for picking (Cases, Units...) Allocation can be prioritized by UOM (i.e. Cases first, then units) Active Locations will only allocate Units Reserve Locations will allocate Cases, Packs and Units for cubing. *Full LPNs cannot be cubed. Cases and Packs allocation will be based on the Standard Case and Packs Quantities in the Item Master.
  1. Under the 'Allocation Mode' details
  2. Under field 'Allocation UOM': - If location type chosen is active, the UOM does not need to be specified. This will be units by default. - If location type chosen is reserve, Select the UOM at which inventory needs to be allocated for the specific allocation sequence (Cases, Packs or Units)
Active - Cartonize UOM Wave Templates Link 'Allocation Mode' The Cartonize UOM will specify if inventory allocated will be cubed (i.e. outbound containers will be calculated)
  1. Under the 'Allocation Mode' details
  2. Under field 'Caronize UOM': - Select the option 'Cubed'
Reserve Locations - Cartonize UOM Wave Templates Link 'Allocation Mode' The Cartonize UOM will specify if inventory allocated will be cubed (i.e. outbound containers will be calculated)
  1. Under the 'Allocation Mode' details
  2. Under field 'Caronize UOM': - Select the option 'Cubed'
Active Locations - Distribution Mode Wave Templates Link 'Allocation Mode' The distribution Mode for non-cubed picking tasks will be 'No distribution'.
  1. Under the 'Allocation Mode' details
  2. Under field 'Distribution Mode': - Select 'No distribution'
Reserve Locations - Distribution Mode Wave Templates Link 'Allocation Mode' The distribution Mode for non-cubed picking tasks will be 'No distribution'.
  1. Under the 'Allocation Mode' details
  2. Under field 'Distribution Mode': - Select 'No distribution'

Allocation - Distribution to Store

Distribution to Store or Put-To-Store (PTS) is defined in WMS as the process in which allocated inventory is pulled in bulk for multiple orders/stores. The inventory is then distributed to stores/destination facilities at a consolidation locations.

The PTS Process requires destination stores to be defined in WMS in the 'Facilities' screen, as well as assigned distrbuiton/consolidations locations for each store/facility.

Inventory can be allocated from both Active and Reserve Locations for distributions.

  1. Distribution at LPN Level: Full LPNs will be picked and then units will be distributed to corresponding stores.
  2. Allocated Units will be picked and consolidated (rather than the Full LPN) and then the units will be distributed to stores.
Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Allocation UOM Wave Templates Link 'Allocation Mode' The Allocation UOM will specify the Unit of Measure level at which inventory will be allocated for picking (Cases, Units...) Allocation can be prioritized by UOM (i.e. Cases first, then units) Active Locations will only allocate Units Reserve Locations will allocate Cases, Packs and Units for distribution. *Full LPNs is not an option. Cases and Packs allocation will be based on the Standard Case and Packs Quantities in the Item Master.
  1. Under the 'Allocation Mode' details
  2. Under field 'Allocation UOM': - If location type chosen is active, the UOM does not need to be specified. This will be units by default. -
  3. If the location type chosen is reserve, Select the UOM at which inventory needs to be allocated for the specific allocation sequence (Cases, Packs or Units)
Active - Cartonize UOM (Not Applicable for Distribution) Wave Templates Link 'Allocation Mode' The Cartonize UOM is not used for Distribution To Store.
  1. Under the 'Allocation Mode' details
  2. Under field 'Caronize UOM': - Do not select an option
Reserve Locations - Cartonize UOM (Not Applicable for Distribution) Wave Templates Link 'Allocation Mode' The Cartonize UOM is not used for Distribution To Store.
  1. Under the 'Allocation Mode' details
  2. Under field 'Caronize UOM': - Do not select an option
Active Locations - Distribution Mode Wave Templates Link 'Allocation Mode' The distribution Mode for PTS Process from Active Locations will be 'Consolidate and Distibute'. With this mode, all units allocated from active for stores will be picked in bulk into a temporary container and then distributed to stores at consolidated locations.
  1. Under the 'Allocation Mode' details
  2. Under field 'Distribution Mode': - Select 'Consolidate and Distribute'
Reserve Locations - Distribution Mode Wave Templates Link 'Allocation Mode' The distribution Mode for PTS Process from Reserve Locations will be as follow: 1. Distribution, no residuals : Allocation will be done from LPNs allocated in full to one or more orders. Allocation will not be done if an LPN is not fully allocated. 2. Distrbution, residuals OK: LPNs will be allowed to be partly allocated for orders. 3. Consolidate and Distribute: Inventory will be allocated, picked and consolidated rather than the LPNs. Inventory will then be distrbuted.
  1. Under the 'Allocation Mode' details
  2. Under field 'Distribution Mode': Select option needed for flow - Distribution, No residuals - Distribution, Residuals OK - Consolidate and distribute

Allocation - Additional Options

Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
MHE System (Optional) Wave Templates Link 'Allocation Mode'
  1. Under the 'Allocation Mode' details
  2. Under field 'mhe_system': Enter the name of the MHE system to which communication will be made for allocation
Ignore Attributes Wave Templates Link 'Allocation Mode' Attributes A, B, C are inventory attributes specified on current inventory. The order details can specify one or more inventory attributes to restrict allocation to inventory with matching attributes. On the allocation mode: - Ignore Attribute flag: when checked inventory can be allocated from any inventory with non-matching attributes when unchecked, inventrory can be only allocated when attributes specified on order match if any
  1. Under the 'Allocation Mode' details
  2. Next to options 'Ignore Attribute A, B, or C: Check flag if needed.
    Note: if orders will not specify attributes, the flags are not required to be set.