Set Up Cubing and Pick to Cart Rules

Cubing Rules need to be set up for cubed allocation. If a wave template's allocation mode specifies a cartonized UOM = Cubed, cubing rules will have to be set. The wave template run for cubed allocation will create/calculate outbound containers with the wave or after packing.

The wave template will be linked to a cubing rule. The cubing rule tied to the wave template will be used to set up the rules for creating cubed containers. (i.e. This will specify how containers should be broken/created by aisle, area, order etc...). In addition, a list of container types/sizes can be set up with dimensions, max volume, max weight and empty weight.

  1. A predetermined Container Type can be used at the wave, order or item level for cubing.
  2. Dynamic cubing can also be used where WMS will calculate the container sizes to be used.
Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Set Up Cubing Rules Cubing Rules Cubing rules will specify how containers should be created/broken after allocation.
Note: By default containers created will not be broken by order. To make sure that different containers are created for different orders a cubing rule will have to be added to break by order.
Multiple Cubing Rules can be created to be linked to different wave templates.
  1. Login at specific company level
  2. In UI Module 'Cubing Rule' add a cubing rule - Enter a description
  3. Select the cubing rule create and access the details
  4. Enter a rule sequence and save the changes. Note: Multiple sequences can be added if there will be different rules for specifc criteria
Set Up an Ordering Criteria Cubing Rules - Details Link - Ordering Criteria The ordering criteria will specify rules on how containers are to be created and broken (i.e. If containers will be broken by aisle, area, as well as if they will follow a pick sequence…) Break By Count: The break by count will specify the number by which containers will be broken (i.e. Criteria to break Order by 1 = Containers will be created for every order. For the pick sequence to be followed the break by count will be set to 0)
  1. In the details, after adding rule sequences access the 'Ordering criteria'
  2. In 'Ordering Criteria' add a criteria - enter a sequence number for the criteria
  3. Select the criteria from drop-down option and enter the break by count Note: If a pick sequence needs to be followed, the criteria for pick sequence will have sequence number set to 1 and break by count = 0 - Criteria for Order Number can be added with following sequence and break by count 1
Set Up a Selection Criteria (Optional) Cubing Rules - Details Link - Selection Criteria The Selection Criteria is used to restrict the created ordering rules to specified criteria. (i.e. Containers are to be created for specific zones with specific criteria)
  1. In the details, access the 'Selection Criteria'
  2. In 'Selection Criteria' select the sql operator for the folder (i.e. Use AND if one or multiple conditions need to be true - Use OR if one of multiple conditions need to be true for the task type)
  3. Click on 'Insert Basic Operation' to add condition(s) or click on 'Insert Complex Operation' to add a sub-folder of conditions
  4. After adding a condition, click on the appropriate folder to add more conditions or click Save to save to complete the setup
Set Up Container Types 'OBLPN Types' OBLPN Types OBLPN Types represent the list of container sizes that will be used for cubing. 1.
  1. One general container type can be set up and used if container sizes are not known or if WMS will not be used for dynamic cubing.
  2. The list of available container sizes can be set up if WMS will be used for dynamic cubing or if these container types will be set up at the item, order or wave level.
  1. Login at specific company level
  2. In UI Module 'OBLPN Type' add new OBLPN Type
  3. Enter a code, description, prefix to differentiate with other OBLPN Types
  4. Enter max volume, max weight, length, width, height and empty weight
  5. Save and add additional OBLPN Types if needed.