API Request

Each API is given a specific URL hosted as part of the WMS application. The APIs use HTTPS protocol to receive requests and return a response in much the same way that submitting a form on a website works within a browser. When the "form" is submitted, a call to a URL is made over HTTPS, which has the ability to transmit this data within the request. The data can then be extracted from the received request within the WMS application and used to run the API.

  • Must be of type POST
  • The Content-Type should be "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
  • This allows the data to be sent in key-value pairs
  • Any non-ASCII data must be URL encoded to ensure data integrity
  • See https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_urlencode.asp
  • Any URL reserved characters (; / ? : @ = &) in the data must also be properly encoded to ensure data integrity
  • The key-value pairs are represented in the request in the format myurl.com?key1=value1&key2=value2...
  • If the reserved characters are not encoded in the data itself, they can be misunderstood to have special meaning and cause data corruption when parsing the request.