Update OBLPN Tracking Number

URL: "xxx.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com/env_name/wms/api/update_oblpn_tracking_nbr/"

Initial WMS Version: 6.1


API to update an OBLPN's tracking number and optionally weight and/or ship via.

If a Carrier LPN record for the OBLPN does not exist, the API will attempt to create it. The ship via from the allocated order will be used if one is not supplied in the arguments.

  1. The LPN must exist for the facility/company provided
  2. The LPN must be of type outbound
  3. The LPN status cannot be CANCELLED
  4. The ship via must exist for the same company as the LPN

Request Arguments

Argument Name Function Required Data Type
company_code WMS Company Code X string
facility_code WMS Facility Code X string
oblpn_nbr Container number to be updated X string
tracking_nbr Carrier tracking number X string
ship_via_code Updated ship via string
weight Updated weight decimal
rate Update rate string
master_tracking_nbr 2nd tracking number string
estimated_delivery_time Estimated delivery date (yyyymmdd) string
dry_ice_weight Updated Dry Ice Weight decimal
label Image of label Base64.PDF
carrier_webservice_label_type Webservice label type string
  • Since version 9.0.0, new company parameter max_allowed_wt_vol_dim_decimal_scale controls the decimal precision for the following fields: weight and dry_ice_weight
  • The precision of rate is set at 2

Carrier Webservice Label Type

The “carrier_webservice_label_type” parameter allows you to specity the web service label type that will be uploaded. This field accepts the following values:

  • ZPL
  • PDF

For example: If you are uploading the ZPL code for the Carrier LPN Label, then the label type should be set to ZPL.

If the label is sent without sending the label type, the existing API behavior is unchanged. However, if the label type is sent without the label, the API will send an error with the message "label type without label is disallowed.”