Outbound Audit Rules Screen

The Outbound Audit Rules screen is a rule-based screen that allows you to determine which of the packed OBLPNs will be marked for audit. The OBLPNs that are marked for audit are random based on the 1 of Y field. The Outbound Audit Rules screen contains the fields Facility, Name, Description, Enabled, and 1 of Y. Click Create to create and configure a new rule, and edit to edit an existing rule’s configuration.

Each rule has a detail screen (selection criteria) where you can define the rule using the OBLPN (description) fields store, packer, or item. The 1 of Y column indicates the number of rules configured.

For example, in the rows above, Facility F002 has 1 of 10 rules enabled. Facility F002 has 1 of 5 rules disabled, and Facility F003 has 1 of 20 rules enabled.

Once you have created your audit rule, you need to select details to view the selection criteria and define the audit rule using the OBLPN fields store, packer, or item. The rules support “AND” and “OR” relationships between those fields.

The Outbound Audit Rules screen also contains the Change Global Audit Setting button at the top which allows you to control the global audit settings that apply by facility.

The following table is an example of how you can set the Global Audit Setting for facilities:

Global Audit Settings

Facility Audit if Shorted
F002 Yes
F003 No

From the Outbound Audit Rules screen, click the Change Global Audit Setting button.

When you click the Change Global Audit Setting button, the following confirmation window appears which allows you to set the audit_if_short setting for your facility to True or False. In the following example, the current audit_if_short setting is set to False (i.e No), but if you change this to True and click OK, the Audit if shorted setting changes to Yes.
Note: if rules are configured using multiple different criteria, it is important to add rules with more specific criteria with higher priority and continue with less specific rules.

Audit Status

Note: You can view Audit Status from the OBLPN screen. OBLPNs are created by default with a status of “Audit_Status=not required”. Possible audit statuses include:
  • not required
  • audit pending
  • audit complete
  • audit missing