Detailed Receiving for LPNs in a Fully Cartonized Shipment

There are situations where you may need to enable detailed receiving for remaining LPNs in a shipment after you start receiving a shipment. In this case, you can do detail receiving for LPNs in a fully cartonized shipment. The action buttons "Select for Dtl Recv"or "Deselect from Dtl Recv" will get enabled in cases where the shipment status is > In Transit.

For example, if the vendor has sent LPN01 with 50 units for SKU1 and in reality, the vendor has sent in two different boxes (LPN01- 30 units and LPN02- 20 units), with this functionality, the vendor can still receive the shipment.

  1. In the Inbound Shipment Detail, click the "Select for Dtl Recv" button to set Detail Receive Flag to True for all selected LPNs.
  2. In the Inbound Shipment Detail, click the "Deselect for Dtl Recv" button to set Detail Receive Flag to False for all selected LPNs.Select for Dtl Recv Button