Dummy SKUs

You can define Dummy SKUs by enabling the dummy SKU flag on the Item master. These SKUs are usually used for marketing materials (like pormotions) or for user guides/Manuals that go along with the products.

For these SKUs, inventory is not tracked within WMS at the location level. So, you should not receive location Dummy SKUs in the warehouse. Dummy SKUs are assumed to be always available. You can send dummy skus as part of Sales Orders in order to allocate and pick them during picking to facilitate the picks for the order so that you don't miss the dummy SKUs.
Note: Dummy SKUs are currently not included in Inventory Summaries (Standard or Custom Inventory Summary.)
Note: Dummy SKUs are supported only for picking waves.
While picking Dummy SKUs, since WMS does not track these SKUs in locations, WMS allocates these SKUs from a dummy location created using the SKU’s barcode itself as the location. These SKUs can also be auto-packed with Wave if necessary. The dummy locations created for thes Dummy SKU picks are not deleted and can be viewed on the Location screen.
Note: These locations can be marked dummy using the 6 level hierarchy (Area/Aisle/Bay/Level/Position) columns in order to differentiate from other locations.