Defining Expiry Date Range

Expiry Date Range allows you to set up rules, so that your wave only allocates inventory that will expire within the date range that you have defined in the Expiry Date Range UI. For example: Different medications can have different life spans where you want to allocate inventory within defined time span.

Your rules can be set up by item hierarchy codes and group codes so that users can allocate from different item categories having different life spans.
Note: The wave expiry date window range configuration is applicable only for items which are tracking expiration dates (Prod_Life_Days is > 0).

Expiry Date Date

To add or edit an expiry date rule, do the following:

  1. Go to Wave Template > Expiry Date Range.
  2. Expiry Date Range UI opens. This will open of all the Expiry Date Rules.
  3. To define your rule, click the (+) icon.
  4. Enter the following details:
    1. Rule Name*: Enter the name for the rule. This is a Mandatory field.
    2. Description: Enter a description that best describes the rule.
  5. The newly created rule appears on the Expiry Date Range screen.
  6. To add or edit the rules, click the Details icon.

    Expiry Date Range Parameter

    Expiry Date Range Parameters

    Fields Description
    Rule Name Displays the name of the rule.
    You can set the priority of the rule.
    Note: The system processes the order in ascending order of the priority column value.
    Criteria-1 to Criteria-6
    You can configure different criteria for additional filter. These additional fields expose following six items field:
    • Group Code
    • Item Hierarchy Code 1 - 5
    Value-1 to Value-6 Corresponding matching value for the selected column needs to be populated.
    Expiring before (in days)

    This value will be configured in terms of days. The default value will be blank.

    While allocating Expiry date tracked items, wave will only allocate inventory with expiration date <= (current facility date +number configured in the Expiring before(in days)).

    If set to 0, it will look for inventory that expires today or before.

    Expiring after (in days)

    This value will be configured in terms of days. The default value will be blank.

    While allocating Expiry date tracked items, wave will only allocate inventory with expiration date >= (current facility date +number configured in the Expiring after (in days)).

    If set to 0, it will look for inventory that expires today or after.

  7. After defining the configuring, click the Save.
  8. Now, when you run wave you can fetch your defined Expiry Date Rule from the drop-down menu in the Wave Template screen:

    Expiry Date Range in Wave Template

  9. Click Save.

For example, you have the following inventory available:

Facility date is 22/02/2021.

  • LPN1 (A1)= SKU1 = 3 Qty Expiry date = 18/02/2021.
  • LPN2 (A1)= SKU1 = 5 Qty Expiry date = 19/02/2021.
  • LPN3 (A1)= SKU1 = 2 Qty Expiry date = 20/02/2021.
  • LPN4 (B1)= SKU1 = 2 Qty Expiry date = 22/02/2021.
  • LPN5 (A1)= SKU1 = 5 Qty Expiry date = 22/02/2021.
  • LPN6 (B1)= SKU1 = 3 Qty Expiry date = 23/02/2021.

Your order = SKU 1 with 10 units and following is the configuration:

Expiry Raneg Header

If you run a wave template that has the rule Expiry Date Range set up, the system will allocate inventory which Item Hierarchy Code 1 equals to A1, and if expiry date falls between the following dates:

  • Expiring before( in days) = inventory with expiration date <= (current Facility date - number configured in Expiring before(in days)).
  • Expiring before( in days) = inventory with expiration date <= 22/02/2021 plus 4. This means it will allocate inventory that is <= 26/02/2021
  • Expiring after (in days) is set to zero, therefore it will look for inventory that expires today or after.

    According to your rules, you want to allocate inventory that expires between today and 26/02/2021. That is, the system allocates the inventory LPN4, LPN5, and LPN6 having expiry date of 22/02/2021 and 23/02/2021.

Note: The system considers facility time zone for calculating the expiry date range and allocating the inventory to the order.
Note: On configuring hierarchy code criteria and the expiry date range, the system performs a AND operation to satisfy the order quantity.
Note: If you are running a wave with a Replenishment rule, the expiry date range feature is not a supported feature
Note: If you configure multiple expiry range date rules for the same matching criteria, then the shelf life rule will be applicable for all the configured rule. Therefore, its recommended for the users to configure only one matching rule applicable for an item. For example, let's say, for an item hierarchy code ABC, rule 1, seq 0 - the expiry date range is between (0 to 100) days and for the same item hierarchy code ABC, rule 1, seq 1 - the expiry date range is between (101 - 150) days, then the application will allocate the LPNs falling under the range between 0-100 and 101-150 days.