
Packing is a step in the order fulfillment process for getting inventory ready to be shipped to its final destination.

RF Pack OBLPN Behavior during LPN Substitution

The RF Pack OBLPN transaction is used to allocate full LPNs into an OBLPN. This transaction has multiple parameters, for more details - see the RF Parameters document.

RF Pack OBLPN allows you to do substitution which allows you to replace inventory in the warehouse.

The following table provides the behavior for RF Pack OBLPN based on the following configuration scenario:

  1. Item is Batch and Expiry Tracking Items.
  2. In the Wave Template, Ignore attribute is enabled for all attributes
  3. Allocation Mode = Full LPN allocation.
  4. Packing and Substitution is done through Pack FULL LPN API, but you can use RF Pack OBLPN to compare the behavior.
  5. LPNs are received through IB Shipment and through RF Create LPN.
  6. For the same SKU, some LPNs have attributes populated and some LPNs are blank (Attributes are NOT tracked and are pass-through values). So ideally an LPN received through Shipment will have attributes if its passed through Shipment.
Order Detail Inv Attributes Allocated LPN Inv Attributes Substitute LPN Inv Attributes Behavior through RF Pack OBLPN Behavior through Pack OBLPN API
blank blank RED Error : Sub LPN not an exact match Error : Sub LPN not an exact match
blank RED blank Substitution Allowed Substitution Allowed
blank blank blank Substitution Allowed Substitution Allowed
blank RED RED Substitution Allowed Substitution Allowed
blank RED BLUE Substitution Allowed Substitution Allowed
RED RED RED Substitution Allowed Substitution Allowed
RED RED BLUE Error : Sub LPN not an exact match Error : Sub LPN not an exact match
RED RED blank Error : Sub LPN not an exact match Error : Sub LPN not an exact match
RED BLUE GREEN Substitution Allowed Substitution Allowed
RED BLUE Blank Substitution Allowed Substitution Allowed