Remove Personal Information

You can remove personal or customer related information in the system by selecting the customer orders and clicking “Remove Personal Info” button on the Order Header UI. To remove the personal information, you require permission “remove_pi" on order_hdr entity and enable permission control “order hdr / Can Remove Order Personal Info.

Note: This button is enabled only for order whose statuses is in Shipped/Cancelled/Delivered. Also, this button is not applicable for facility orders where dest-facility/shipto-facility are populated.
  • Go to Order header UI > specify and commit the changes for each order separately on how many orders were succeeded out of how many.

    For example, If, 9 orders were selected, then:

    • PI Removed: 6;
    • Facility orders skipped: 2;
    • Error encountered: 1.
  • Select the Order > click the button “Remove Personal Info”.

    The values are updated accordingly in the following specified fields and are ignored if the values are blank.

    • order_hdr.cust_nbr
    • order_hdr.cust_name
    • order_hdr.cust_addr
    • order_hdr.cust_addr2
    • order_hdr.cust_addr3
    • order_hdr.cust_phone_nbr
    • order_hdr.cust_email
    • order_hdr.cust_city
    • order_hdr.cust_state
    • order_hdr.cust_ziporder_hdr.cust_country
    • order_hdr.cust_contact
    • order_hdr.shipto_name
    • order_hdr.shipto_addr
    • order_hdr.shipto_addr2
    • order_hdr.shipto_addr3
    • order_hdr.shipto_city
    • order_hdr.shipto_state
    • order_hdr.shipto_zip
    • order_hdr.shipto_country
    • order_hdr.shipto_phone_nbr
    • order_hdr.shipto_email
    • order_hdr.shipto_contact
    • order_hdr.spl_instr