Restrict orders in an LPN during Pack NC Active

You can pack more than one order in an OBLPN using the RF Pack NC active transaction (rf.outbound.cwrfpackncactiveorder) and is available for non-cubed picking. You will be able to set a limit of orders that can be added to an OBLPN via screen parameter “break-picks-by-order-count”.

Go to RF parameter ‘break-picks-by-order-count’ and set with an integer value in the RF Pack NC Active {order} (rf.outbound.cwrfpackncactiveorder) module.

This parameter accepts integer value and works in conjunction only if the screen parameter:

Break-picks-by is set to Order:

The parameter is set to one of the following values:

You are allowed to pick only one order in an OBLPN when the parameter "break-picks-by" is set to Order.

  • Set to Zero: When the parameter value is set to zero, you are allowed to pick any number of orders in the OBLPN during picking. You will not be limited with respect to combining the number of orders in an OBLPN.
  • Greater than Zero: When the parameter value is set to greater than zero, then during picking, you can pick less than or equal to a number of orders value configured in the screen parameter.
When "nc-or-cubed-mode" is set to Non-Cubed Picking:
Note: For Non-Tasking Mode, on scanning an OBLPN which is already has inventory associated with the orders, where a number of orders associated with the OBLPN are greater than the value configured value in the parameter, then you will see an error message "Cannot pick more than%Value configured in parameter% Orders in an OBLPN".
Note: If the value in the parameter is set to 1, you will not see any difference, as the existing parameter "break-picks-by" set to Order will allow only one order per OBLPN. The ‘break-picks-by-order-count” parameter is not significant, if the existing parameter "split-allocs-on-close-by" is set to "Split Allocs by Order". A parameter is not significant if the existing parameter "auto-pack-one-uom" is set to "Auto pack one UOM".
When the value in the parameter is not an integer value then the system will fall back to existing behavior, limiting one order per OBLPN.During tasking mode, the system prompts to open an OBLPN even though the number of orders in the OBLPN is less than the configured value in the parameter “break-picks-by-order-count”, this case occurs when there is an already open OBLPN for the next pick, the system prompts with open OBLPN.