Item Master Setup

Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Item Basic Identifiers Items Required fields: - Item Alternate Code: Another code to identify an item. This can be the same as the item code. - Item Barcode: UPC Barcode - This can also be the same as the item barcode if UPC Information is not available - Style/Part_a: Item Code/Number - Description Non-Required Fields: Part_b to Part_f: Additional Identifiers or attributes of an item. Parts can be used to specify color, size, etc.. Note: If these additional Parts are used the item code will be the concatenation of part_a and these other parts
  1. In Item master, enter all item's basic attributes item code, description, parts…
  2. Enter Additional Attributes in part_b to part_f fields if needed
Item Dimensions and Cost Items Fields unit_cost, unit_length, unit_width, unit_height, unit_weight, unit_volume will specify information for the unit/each UOM level
  1. In Item master, enter all item's additional attributes:
  • unit_cost
  • unit_length
  • unit_width
  • unit_height
  • unit_weight
  • unit_voume
Hazmat Flag Set Up Items The field 'Hazmat' is used to specify if an item hazardous
  1. In item master, enter value 'TRUE' or 'FALSE' or check/uncheck hazmat flag in UI to specify if an item is hazardous.
Informational Fields Set Up Items Additional Informational Fields can be set up: recv_type, catch_weight_method, order_consolidation_attr These fields can be used for any informational purpose
  1. In Item Master, add additional values for informational fields:
    • recv_type
    • catch_weight_method
    • order_consolidation_attr
OBLPN Type Items The OBLPN Type of an item can be set up to specify the type/size of the container that needs to be used to pack an item. The OBLPN Type set up for an item will be set up in the 'OBLPN Type' UI Screen to specify dimensions of the container. These dimensions will be used for the cubing functionality. Note: The OBLPN Type is not required to be set up at the item level for the cubing functionality.
  1. In Item Master, add OBLPN Type. In the UI, access the Item details.
  2. Click on edit to add the OBLPN Type, then click Save for the change.
Additional Information Fields Set Up Items Additional Informational Fields can be set up: season_code, brand_code, cust_attr_1, cust_attr_2, retail_price, net_cost, currency_code, external_style
  1. In Item Master, add values for informational fields:
    • season_code
    • brand_code
    • cust_attr_1
    • cust_attr_2
    • retail_price
    • net_cost
    • currency_code
    • external_style
    **In the UI, some of these fields might be accessible in the 'Details' and not with the 'Edit' option.
Item Standard Packs, Cases Items Information for standard packs and cases of an item can be set up for: std_pack_qty, std_pack_length, std_pack_width, std_pack_height, std_pack_weight, std_pack_volume, std_case_qty, max_case_qty, std_case_length, std_case_width, std_case_height, std_case_weight, std_case_volume These values are not required, but can be used to receive and pick packs and cases instead of units and Full LPNs
  1. In Item Master Interface, add values for inner case and packs:
    • std_pack_qty
    • std_pack_length
    • std_pack_width
    • std_pack_height
    • std_pack_weight
    • std_pack_volume
    • std_case_qty
    • max_case_qty
    • std_case_length
    • std_case_width
    • std_case_height
    • std_case_weight
    • std_case_volume
  2. In the UI, access the Item details and click on edit to add these values, then click Save for the change.
Additional Dimensions Items Additional dimensions can be set up for informational purposes with fields: dimension_1 to dimension_3
  1. In Item Master Interface, add values for fields:
    • dimension_1 to dimension_3
  2. In the UI, access the Item details and click Edit to add these values.
  3. Click Save.
Hierarchical Information Items Item Hierarchical Fields can be set up for informational purposes: hierarchy1_code & hierarchy1_description to 5 group_code & group_description There can only be one description for each hierarchy code uploaded. (i.e. if multiple items have the same hierarchy code, the description of this code will be the same). Only Hierarchy descriptions are visible in the UI
  1. In Item Master Interface, add values for fields:
  • hierarchy1_code
  • hierarchy1_description
  • group_code
  • group_description
VAS Group Code (Only if VAS Flow will be used) Items The VAS Groups define the different groups of VAS Activities. The VAS Group will have one or more VAS Activities based on group requirement. (i.e. VAS Group 'Clothes-Flats' will have activities: 1.'Ironing', 2. 'Sensors', and 3. 'Price Labels) See VAS Functionality section in 'Receiving Operations' section for more details
  1. In Item Master Interface, add values for VAS Group Code.
  2. In the UI, click Edit to add this value.
Putaway Type Items Item Putaway Types are used to group items with similar characteristics for putaway. Items with same putaway types will be putaway in the same location area. (i.e. The putaway type can be an item's division, classification or even an item's velocity).
  1. In Item Master Interface, add values for Putaway Type
  2. To add this value in the UI, the putaway type needs to be created first.
Item Short Description Items The item short description can be used to specify an item's description with a shorter length. If the item short description is specified, this description will be displayed on the labels instead of the item's description
  1. In Item Master Interface, add values for:
  • Short description
Additional Information Items conveyable: TRUE/FALSE sortable: TRUE/FALSE min_dispatch_uom: informational velocity_code: indicates low to high volume skus regularity_code stackability_code: indicates skus in heavier to ligther order for sorting
  1. In Item Master Interface, add values for:
  • Conveyable
  • sortable
  • min_dispatch_uom
  • velocity_code
  • regularity_code
  • stackability_code
Expiry and Lot/Batch Numbers Items Following fields will be used to set up expiry, lot/batch requirements: product_life: this is specified in number of days (i.e. 365 days) percent_acceptable_product_life: % of the number of days that is acceptable for an expiry date from today. req_batch_nbr_flg: flag to require batch/lot number for an item. When this flag is set to TRUE, batch number will be prompted for the item during receiving
  1. In Item Master Interface, add values for:
  • product_life
  • percent_acceptable_product_life
  • req_batch_nbr_flg
Standard Pallets Items Fields: lpns_per_tier and tiers_per_pallet are used to set up standard quantities of lpns per pallet for an item
  1. n Item Master Interface, add values for:
  • pns_per_tier and tiers_per_pallet
Serial Number Tracking Items The serial_nbr_tracking field can be set up as follows:
  • 0 = Not required (default)
  • 1 = Required. don’t validate during receiving if already specified on shipment interface,
  • 2 = Required. Validate, and allow user to override = The receiving RF transaction will prompt for serial numbers regardless of whether or not the serial numbers are interfaced in the system.
  • SERIAL_NUMBER_TRACKING_LEVEL' 0 = No Serial Number Tracking (default),
  • 1 = Packing Only (Tracks Serial Numbers from Packing stage only),
  • 2 = End to End. (Track Serial Numbers at all Stages in DC Operations. Like an End to End option)
  1. In Item Master Interface, add values for:
  • serial_nbr_tracking as 0, 1 or 2
Harmonized Tariff Codes Items An Harmonized Tariff Code and Description can be specified for each item
  1. In Item Master Interface, add values for:
  • Harmonized Tariff Code
  • Harmonized Tariff Description
Additional Information Items full_oblpn_type: informational case_oblpn_type: informational pack_oblpn_type: informational description 2: Item description # 2 – Can be used to specify description in another language description 3: Item description # 3 – Can be used to specify description in another language nmfc code
  1. In Item Master Interface, add values for:
  • full_oblpn_type
  • case_oblpn_type
  • pack_oblpn_type
  • description 2
  • description 3
  • nmfc code