Receiving and Cross Dock

Cross Dock Functionality

The cross dock functionality will allow receiving and allocating the inventory to outbound orders during the receiving process. This will be done without having to locate the inventory to a location.

The cross dock functionality can work as follow for an LPN:

  1. WMS will try to allocate the LPN to an order that specifies a matching PO, ASN and/or Required LPN.
  2. If no orders have matching PO, ASN, or LPN number, WMS will try to allocated the LPN to any order with the same SKU with equal or greater quantity.

Auto Create Xdock Orders

A cross dock or flowthrough order can be automatically created for a specific Inbound Shipment. Cross dock orders created from Inbound Shipments can only be created for facilities/stores defined in WMS.

If set up, when an Inbound shipment is populated with a cross dock facility, an outbound order will be created for the specific inbound shipment. Inventory received for that shipment can be easily allocated to the created order via cross dock or flowthrough.

Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Set Up Order Types Order Types Order Type Codes will be specified on the order interface that will be loaded to WMS as well as any order created manually.
  1. Login at the specific client company level
  2. In 'Order Types' UI Module, add order types: Enter an order type code and a description
  3. Check the flowthrough flag
  4. Check the facility flag for facility orders
Auto Create Xdock Orders for IB Shipments/ASNs Facility Parameter UI Module The facility parameter 'AUTOCREATE_XDOCK_ORDER_TYPE' can be set up to have cross dock orders created for an inbound shipment that specifies a xdock facility. The value of this parameter will be the order type that will be used to create the outbound order.
  1. In the 'Facility Parameter' UI Module search for the parameter. 'AUTOCREATE_XDOCK_ORDER_TYPE'
  2. Edit and enter the value of the order type code.

Xdock Parameter

Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
MultiSKU LPN Xdock Facility Parameter UI Module The company parameter 'MULTISKU_LPN_XDOCK_ONE_ORDER_ONLY' can be set as follow: - Yes: A multi sku LPN can only be allocated to a single order - No: A multi SKU LPN can be allocated to multiple orders if the orders have the same destination
  1. In the 'Facility Parameter' UI Module search for the parameter 'MULTISKU_LPN_XDOCK_ONE_ORDER_ONLY'
  2. Edit and enter the Yes or No
PO and ASN Check for Xdock Facility Parameter UI Module The company parameter 'XDOCK_ORD_SHP_PO_CHECKS' can be set up with values: - EXACT: PO and ASN Nbr on an Order must match the LPN's PO and ASN Numbers. - EXACT_SHP_WILD_PO: ASN on order must match the LPN's ASN - EXACT_PO_WILD_SHP: PO on ordeer must match the LPN's PO - WILD_SHP_WILD_PO: The PO and ASN on order do not meed to match - ALL: A xodck order will be found by following the sequence of the above values. Note: This is true If PO and ASN are not populated on order detail In the 'Facility Parameter' UI Module search for the parameter 'XDOCK_ORD_SHP_PO_CHECKS' 2. Edit and enter the value needed
Checks if LPNs allocated need to match order detail inventory attribute fields Company Parameter UI Module The company parameter 'XDOCK_ORD_INV_ATTR_CHECKS' can be set up with values: - EXACT: LPNs inventory will have to match all the order detail inventory attribute values for a successful cross-dock allocation. -Blank:cross-dock allocation logic will ignore inventory attributes
  1. In the 'Company Parameter' UI Module search for the parameter '‘XDOCK_ORD_INV_ATTR_CHECKS'
  2. Edit and enter the value needed
Set Up RF 'Receiving' for Cross Dock Screen Configuration UI Module: RF Modules: rf.inbound.cwrfrecvlpnshpmt (Receive Shipment) or rf.inbound.cwrfrecvlpnload (Receive Load)
Note: This may have already been configured in the 'Menu Configuration' Section
Set up the correct RF module that will be used for cross dock. The cross dock mode can be set as:
  • LPN Nbr Only: Cross dock will require orders to have the LPN or pallet specified on the order
  • LPN Nbr, Single SKU: Cross will be done to orders specifying the LPN only for single SKU LPNs.
If no LPN is specified on the order, cross dock will be done to any order with matching inventory.
  • LPN Nbr, single or multi SKU: Any order with matching inventory will be considered for cross dock.
  1. In the 'Screen Configuration' UI Module, add/search module: Receive Shipment - rf.inbound.cwrfrecvlpnshpmt or Receive Load - rf.inbound.cwrfrecvlpnload
  2. Rename and add description for xdock if needed
  3. In the details edit the parameter 'xdock-mode' and set to the needed value