Message Codes and Literals UI

Message UI

‘Messages’ are Warehouse Management System Messages that are displayed on RF Screen during operations and that appear on the Warehouse Management System UI. These messages include informational messages such as messages for Inventory being received or picked, as well as error messages that prevent some operations. These messages can be modified and worded differently, and they can also be disabled if required.

You can modify short and long messages in bulk using the modified/edited xls file into the UI system using the new message input interface. The system supports three types of file formats namely XML, XLS and PSV through the input interface screen and only the XML format via Init Stage interface API.

Message Configuration

Task Description WMS Modul Overview/Comments Task Details
Messages Setup Messages
Changes made at the 3PL Parent Company level will affect all the client companies. Changes made at the Client Company level will be visible for that company across facilities.
  1. Login at the specific company level.
  2. In the Messages UI, click on the Search Icon to look for a message.
  3. In the 'Text' field enter part of the message that needs to be changed and click 'Search'- OR display all messages with the 'Refresh' icon.
  4. Select the specific message from the results and under the 'Edit Message' Section, enter the new message.
  5. Under the Edit Facility Message Config, check/uncheck the Enabled flag to disable/enable a message.

    Optionally, you can also check/uncheck the Auto-Reject flag to put a ‘stopper’ (disable further process), for the messages which can be processed further with other valid options.

    • Click Save for the changes.
Note: For the supported language and valid field values, please refer to the Interface Specification Formats 22D document.

Literals UI

Literals are field names that are displayed in the UI on headers and the search/edit/create pop-up screen. These field names can be renamed appropriately specific to your business flow.

For example: In the item master, item parts (part_b tp part_f) can be used as item characteristics such as color, size, etc.. These fields can be renamed appropriately to reflect what they represent for you.

Note: You can also use the Init Stage Interface API to insert data into stage tables and run the interface to process Literals data. See the Integration API Guide for more details.

You can also define literals by company. In some 3PL scenarios. each underlying company can have different literals.

For example: company-1 inventory attribute_a could refer to country of origin and company-2 might refer to product color or temperature. When users change the company via the Web UI, the respective literals for the relevant company will now be loaded.

In the company edit pane UI, flag “Reload Literals upon Changing Company” helps you enable reloading of the literals upon changing the company in 3PL scenario. If you have different literals configured by company then enable the flag. A manual option to reload the literals is also available in the settings menu associated with the user.

Reload Literals

Note: After switching companies, literals from current company shows up in the UI if either the from/to company has Reload Literals upon Changing Company set to “yes”.
Note: You should log out of the session for the Reload Literals upon Changing Company flag to take affect if the flag is modified during an active session.
Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Literals Setup Literals
Note: Changes made at the Company level will be visible for that company across facilities.
  1. Login at the specific company level.
  2. From the Literals UI, click on the Search Icon to look for a field name.
  3. In the Literal field enter the field name that needs to be changed (ex: part for all the item parts) and click on Search.
  4. Select the specific literal from the results and under the 'Edit Literal' section, enter the new field name in the field 'Text'.
  5. Click Save for the changes to take effect.
  6. Users will have to log out and log back in to see the changes in effect.