
The deallocate API allows you to de-allocate IBLPN which is in Partially Allocated/Allocated status through an API

API URL: Lookup by ID


No additional `parameters` data in the request body is required.

API URL: Lookup by Filters


Category Name Required Type Description
parameters facility_id Integer Facility context by id
parameters facility_id__code string Facility context by code
parameters company_id Integer Company context by id
parameters company_id__code string Company context by code
parameters lpn_nbr X string IBLPN which needs to be De-allocated
  • If facility and/or company are provided, set login context accordingly.
  • Only one of `facility_id` or `facility_id__code` may be provided.
  • Only one of `company_id` or `company_id__code` may be provided.

Bulk_Cancel URL


Request Body:

The transaction is meant for the task entity. The users are required to send the following parameters in the body.

   "parameters": { 
         "id__in": [01, 02, 03] 
   "options": { 
        "commit_frequency": "0",

The commit frequency is by default set to 0. If it is set to 0, the system should roll back on first error/ If the commit frequency is set to 1, the system should commit per object. ID can be sent in bulk_deallocate or LPN numbers can also be shared.