Configure Destination Location Type in Standalone Replenishment

In Standalone Replenishment, you can configure the Destination Location Type to be either Reserve, Active, or both.

Note: The feature to configure Destination Location Type is applicable for standalone replenishment only and not wave-based replenishment. The Destination Location Type drop-down is available from Replenishment Template View, in the Replenishment Rule UI. The default is Reserve and Active.
Destination Location Type Description
Reserve and Active The designated destination location types determined for replenishment can be either Reserve or Active for the area corresponding to the Area and Replenishment zone provided on the Replenishment Template.
Reserve The designated destination location types determined for replenishment will be Reserve location only for the area corresponding to the Area and Replenishment zone provided on the Replenishment Template.
Active The designated destination location types determined for replenishment will be Active location only for the area corresponding to the Area and Replenishment zone provided on the Replenishment Template.

To configure the Destination Location Type, go to the Replenishment Template View, then Replenishment Rule and select an option from the Destination Location Type drop-down.