Reconcile Consumed/Cancelled LPN Quantity

Reconcile Consumed or Cancelled LPN Quantity functionality removes any inconsistencies involved in the LPN Quantities with the use of action button ‘Reconcile LPN Quantity’ in the LPN Inquiry UI (IBLPN Inquiry and OBLPN Inquiry.)

This button allows you to do the following:

  • Select multiple records and adjust LPNs in consumed or cancelled status that have a quantity greater than zero.
  • Zero out the quantity of an LPN in order to accurately sync inventory data to ERP or reporting systems.

Once you enable the Reconcile LPN Quantity and edit inventory permissions from the Group Configuration UI, you will see the Reconcile LPN Quantity button available in the LPN Inquiry UI (upon selecting an LPN in ‘consumed’ or ‘cancelled’ status).

You can enable the Reconcile LPN Quantity button from the Group Configuration UI > Permissions > Enable ‘container/Reconcile LPN Quantity’ and ‘inventory/Can edit inventory’.

Note: When you use the Reconcile LPN Quantity option, you will be prompted to re-enter your password. You will then be able to adjust LPN quantities. Keyed log entries will be written for each LPN that is corrected.