Basic Guidelines


  • The customer will also use the RF Parameters document for additional RF Modules needed for the flow.
  • The customer will have basic knowledge of Oracle Warehouse Management (WMS) Cloud.

Basic Terminology

  • SuperUser: User created at the Parent Company Level. This user will have access and visibility over all companies in any facility he/she has access to.
  • Child User: User created at a company level. This user will only have access to that specific company.

Configuration Guidelines

  • Each topic has multiple tasks and multiple sub-tasks for configuration. A task will have a summary that will help clients determine if the particular configuration task is needed for the client flow.
  • All task and sub-tasks are not required. Customers can decide what is needed for their specific flow. The summary and overview of a task should be used to determine if optional tasks are needed for the business flow.


  • When doing configuration for a specific client company, users need to make sure they are logged in under the correct client company level.
  • Lock codes and Reason Codes are only configured at the 3PL Parent Company Level

UI Menu

  • Existing Menus can be leveraged for new users. Additional Modules can be added to a User's Existing Menu if new functionality is required.
  • Some UI Modules/Screens mentioned in configuration will have to be added to a user's menu prior to configuration. Section 'Custom Menu Set Up' will go over adding screens to a menu.

RF Menu

  • RF Transactions that will be used for operations will have to be added to users' RF Menu.
  • They will first be added in the "Screen Configuration" UI Module and then added to respective menus.
  • These RF modules can be added as the configuration is being done.
  • When adding and configuring RF Transactions, users need to make sure that they are at the correct company level:
    • If an RF Transaction is available in a SuperUser Menu, this RF Transaction will be added and configured at the 3PL Parent Company level
    • If an RF Transaction is available in a ChildUser Menu, this RF Transaction will be added and configured at the Client Company Level


Users created at the Parent Company level will be able to operate on any company using the RF. Users will be logged in to a facility and will not have to specify a company for operations.

Users created at the Child Company level will only be able to operate for the specific client company.

3PL Parent Company vs. Client Company

  • Wave templates configured at the 3PL Parent company level can be used for any client company. Wave Templates configured at the client company level can only be used for that client company.
  • Configuration for wave templates made at the 3PL Parent Company level will not be visible at the client company level.

Recommendation: If wave templates will not be shared across different client companies, configuration should be done at the client company level.