Work Order Type

Work Order Types are used for assembling and disassembling items. Accordingly, Work Order Types are of the following two types :

  • Assembly when you need to perform ‘kitting’ or putting together Child Items into a Parent Item.
  • Dis-Assembly when you need to perform ‘de-kitting’ or breaking up of a Parent Item into Child Items.

You can configure the work order type to assemble or dis-assemble operations through the Work Order Type UI.

To configure Work Order Type, do the following:

  1. Go to the Work Order Type (WorkOrderTypeView) module.
  2. Click the (+) icon and enter the details for the following mandatory fields (marked with "*") :
    • Work Order Type * : Enter a suitable name for the work order type.
    • Description * : Enter a description for the work order type.
    • Activity Type * : Allows you to choose the activity type (assembly or dis-assembly).
  3. Configure the work order type with following options listed :
    • only_deallocate_on_short : By enabling, the system reduces only the allocated quantity upon shorting.
    • Allow Prepack Override : By enabling, the item prepack configurations can be overridden.
    • Partial allocation : By enabling, you can perform allocations partially.
    • Autocreated Work Order Backflush : By enabling, you won’t be prompted to confirm the components consumed during assembly.
    • Allow Expired Inventory : Allows you to allocate expired inventory. This option is enabled by default. Un-check the option to disable allocating the expired inventory.