
Allocation(s) – are reservation(s) of Inventory (inbound or on-hand) for a need specified by an Order(s). Allocations get created when Wave (Picking or Replenishment) is run. When Allocations are created by wave. they usually have the reference to the Wave Number on them.

Allocations also get created when one does cross docking or distribution while receiving.

Allocations can also get created when Orders are allocated directly using Direct Allocation or Pick and Allocate transactions.

Allocations can be grouped together to form a task.

An allocation record associates an order detail (order line) record with specific inbound inventory (from_inventory_id) which is used to fulfill a portion of the order detail and also has a reference to the outbound inventory (to_inventory_id) into which it is (or will be) packed.

There are certain entities which come from outside the WMS like PO, Inbound Shipment and Order. These entities have header/Detail type of structure.

For example:

One Order can have many details which is basically a set of items that the Order is for with ordered or requested quantity and other attributes if any:
  1. When creating a report in Web Reports choose the categories and then subsequently define the sorting and filtering. Form the basic layout. Then finish the report. This is when the Web Reports joins are automatically created. These joins are usually created automatically based on the categories chosen and the foreign keys present on them. Please navigate to the Advanced Join section and review the joins to make sure they are the desired joins created. Otherwise you can redo the joins or modify them appropriately to suit your needs.
  2. In Web Report Gen2 you do have option to create aliases for the categories. So there could be sometimes need to use the same category twice in joins with different aliases. Such joins can be performed as well. You might run into this with the allocation entity which refers to the inventory table via two separate foreign keys from_inventory_id and to_inventory_id. To make this easier to user we have exposed the inventory table, not just as the inventory category but also as from_inventory and to_inventory. The allocation category is joinable only with from_inventory and to_inventory and not with the regular inventory category (which exists for joining with other categories).
  3. Always recommended to filter the main driving categories by facility and company appropriately for which the report is being built. Note that regardless of this WebReports will automatically filter by the user’s eligible facilities and companies.