Create Report Categories

From the above table, let’s quickly consolidate and create a unique set of categories that are the bare minimum required for our report:

  • inventory
  • Facility
  • company
  • item
  • container
  • location (for inventory which is present in active) -alias it as inventory_location
  • location (container’s location)
  • lnventory_status
  • container_status
  • location_type for active location let us call it inventory_location_type
  • location_type for container’s location

The report should be much faster because we are avoiding joining other categories as we are not going to use any of the columns. If we have to put in more columns, then the need to join with other categories would be necessary.

For sorting and filtering we will retain the same as in Web Report Gen1 except change the category names to suit the Web Report Gen2 category and column names.

We will also retain the same report layout columns and formatting. Similarly, keep the same two group footers and the group footer conditions except change the category and column names appropriately.

Inventory Report

Report Sorts

Report Sorts

Report Filters

Report Filters