Web Reports Gen1 to Gen2 Conversion Guidelines

  1. Web Reports Gen1 provides categories which are more like views. One or more tables with predefined joins and columns from these tables may be provided as a view.
  2. Web Reports Gen2 provides categories which more directly expose the tables themselves with all the relevant columns exposed. There are no predefined joins in these categories. This provides a better performance advantage as it avoids predefined joins. This also provides better flexibility so you can join with categories that are relevant for the report.
    1. This also means that Gen2 categories cannot be directly mapped to Gen1 categories and Gen1 reports cannot be automatically converted to Gen2 and have to be handled manually
    2. A table has been provided later in this document listing all Gen1 categories and what Gen2 categories they are made up of
  3. The following guidelines will help in the conversion of Gen 1 reports to Gen2:
    1. First, assess what the report is about and how many users are using the reports. Sometimes a lot of reports can get built with different names and the same content displayed in a different manner. It is important to come up with a consolidated list of unique reports which are frequently used.
    2. Identify the relevant categories used in Web Report Gen1 and make sure to identify the unique set of categories that need to be used in Web Reports Gen2
    3. Identify the join conditions required for Web Report Gen2 between the categories in Web Reports Gen2.
    4. Identify the equivalent filter conditions and sorting category/column in Web Reports Gen2.
    5. Identify the grouping category/column user at the Group/Report Header/Footer level in case there are aggregations being done. Identify the equivalent category/column in Web Report Gen2
    6. In the main content of the report, identify the categories/columns that are used in Web Reports Gen1 and the equivalent in Web Reports Gen2.
  4. Before formatting the report in Web Report Gen2, run the report to make sure the data obtained matches what is seen in Web Report Gen1. Make sure to run it for a larger data set and also for multiple pages if required.
  5. Once step-4 is consistent and correct, then do the formatting part of the report in Web Reports Gen2 to match the formatting in Web Report Gen1.