Column Calculation for Text Elements

Document Label Designer allows you to design customer specific label templates for various label types. You can sub-total a field in the details section of a label. This allows you to consolidate and display numeric fields while designing any label or document.

The Column Calculation drop-down for text elements allows you to consolidate quantities in numeric fields. An example of this would be to consolidate quantities in a field per SKU in a pallet, irrespective of the number of LPNs present on the pallet.

The following options are available in the Column Calculation drop-down:

  • Count
  • Sum
  • Avg
  • Min
  • Max

When you are populating the fields from the Edit Text menu, once the Column Name field is populated and the data type is populated with Dynamic Repeating, the Column Calculation drop-down will enable a list of options:

Column Calculation

Once you have created your label with a column calculation option, you will be able to see the quantities by SKU in the label.

You can design the label and fetch the total quantity of a SKU for a pallet with multiple LPNs with the same SKU (Single SKU Pallet) or Multiple SKU LPNs with different SKUs. Column Calculation is supported for all templates and all labels and documents in Document Label Designer.

Note: Some common business scenarios that Column Calculation could be useful for include the ability to calculate the following:


The following scenario explains how quantities would display for a pallet label based on the option selected from the Column Calculation drop-down:

Let’s say you have a pallet label with 10 containers on a pallet. Each container has the same three items but each item has varying quantities. You also configure the item code to display on the pallet label along with the inventory current quantity as part of the same table name.
Note: Fields from other tables can be used for dynamic repeating elements. However, annotations can not be used by themselves and get good results. When no other fields are paired with the annotation, then all fields get selected and most likely nothing will get annotated in accordance with the requirements of the fields.

The following quantity would display based on the respective drop-down item:

Column Calculation Drop-Down Selection Quantity Displayed in Pallet Label
Count Quantity of 10 displays for each of the three items.

The sum of the quantities displays for each of the item’s current quantities across all of the containers per item code. So you will see the sum for each of the three item codes.


The average quantity displays for each of the item’s current quantity across all of the containers per item code. So you will see averages for each of the three item codes.

Min The minimum quantity displays for each of the item’s current quantity across all of the containers per item code. So you will see a minimum value for each of the three item codes.

The maximum quantity displays for each of the item’s current quantity across all of the containers per item code. So you will see a maximum value for each of the three item codes.

Note: If you are setting up documents or labels using multiple template pages, each field has to be associated with the same table name, or the fields won’t be associated with the same fields on the different template pages. The fields that you put in dynamic repeating template pages affect the granularity of your calculations.