Loading an OBLPN

Once all the cartons for a load have been staged, it is ready for loading.

  1. Go to the Outbound Loads screen and select the Load that will be loaded.
  2. Select an open Dock Door from the drop-down and click “Check In”. The Load’s status should update to ‘Checked in’.
  3. At this point, the Load is ready to be loaded with the RF. Enter the RF module “Load OBLPN”.
  4. In the “Locn:” field, scan the Dock Door. Since the Load is checked into this Dock, the system recognizes the Load number and auto-populates it.
  5. Populate the trailer number (this is only prompted the first time).
  6. Begin loading OBLPN/Pallet by scanning a label.
  7. When you are done loading all the cartons, the RF will prompt the message “Load complete.”
  8. You must close the load with the option “Ctrl-E: Close Load.”
    • At this moment, if the system identifies pending pallets/cartons still to be loaded, a warning message displays in the RF indicating the cartons that have not been loaded.
  9. In the Outbound Loads screen, the appropriate load will be updated to status “Loaded”.
  10. To ship the load, select the Load and click “Ship Load”. The Load’s status will be updated to “Shipped”.

Suggest Pallet Number During Loading

The RF Load OBLPN transaction can suggest Pallet numbers during loading if the suggested OBLPNs are associated with a pallet. On enabling screen parameter ‘next-pallet-to-scan' on the rf.outbound.cwrfloadshipment module, the system suggest the next pallet you can scan and load the corresponding OBLPNs all at once when the OBLPNs are palletized.

To enable suggesting the next pallet, do the following:
  1. Go to RF Load {oblpn} (rf.outbound.cwrfloadshipment) > parameter > set the ‘next-pallet-to-scan' parameter to one of the following choices:

    Parameter Choice

    Parameter Configuration Behaviour
    When ‘next-pallet-to-scan' is set to Blank (default behaviour) You will be suggested only the next OBLPN to be scanned even if the assigned OBLPNs are palletized.
    When ‘next-pallet-to-scan' is set to suggest next pallet You will be suggested the next pallet as a new info field when the suggested OBLPN is palletized. With this new parameter configured, you will see both 'Next OBLPN' and the corresponding 'Next pallet' info fields.

    The Pallets will be suggested only if the assigned OBLPNs are palletized.

  2. Click Save.
    Note: The loading mode should be set to Assign OBLPN Mode and OBLPNs should be assigned to the scanned Load.
Note: If the OBLPNs are not palletized or if the Loading mode is set to "Assign OBLPN Mode", then you will see the 'Next pallet' info field as blank even if the ‘next-pallet-to-scan’ parameter is set to ‘suggest next pallet.’

If the Assigned OBLPNs in the scanned load are not palletized, then the 'Next pallet' info field will be blank.

Ship Load from RF

You can perform shipping activities for an OB load via the RF. From Load OBLPN, you can press the Ctrl-P key to ship a load.

Note: Only valid LPNs whose status “Loading Started/Loaded/ Checked Out” are eligible for a ship load action.

Shipping a Load through RF

  1. Login to your RF and invoke “Load OBLPN”.
  2. The Load OBLPN screen displays the “Ctrl-P: Ship Load” hot key.
  3. Enter the required information:
    • Location: Location of the OB Load assigned
    • Load: Load Number
    • Trailer number: Trainer Number
    • Route: Route information
    • Next LPN: LPN number.

Ctrl-P: Ship Load

Note: Make sure to enter the load/trailer number whose LPN status is in “Loading Started/ Loaded / Checked Out”. Otherwise, the system populates a dialog box “Load Number to Ship” for you to enter the Load information.
  1. After scanning the LPN, invoke the hot key “Ctrl-P: Ship load”. The system first checks for all the validation and then proceeds to ship the LPN.
  2. A warning message is displayed, press “Ctrl-A” to Accept and proceed with 'Ship Load'. Otherwise, press “Ctrl – W” to reject.
  3. Once the transaction completes, the system returns back to the RF Load OBLPN screen and the required IHT records are written.
    • For more details about the RF Load parameters, refer to the Oracle Warehouse Management RF Parameters document.
Note: To access the latest RF Parameters, go to the Oracle WMS Cloud Information Center From the top of the page, click on the Documentation tab, then click the link under Current Documentation.