
The Cloud WMS Application is a part of the SCM suite of applications in Oracle. It is a cloud native, multi-tenant software-as-a-service (SaaS) product offering. Cloud WMS helps in automating warehouses across different vertical industries of varying complexities of Level-1 to Level-5 warehouses, as per the Gartner classification of warehouse automation levels. Cloud WMS is a highly configurable application that supports and allows real-time data capture, inquiry, visibility into warehouse execution and operations, including automation.

The application supports a wide variety of international languages; it also provides the ability to configure and operate in local time zones where the Warehouse operates. Cloud WMS is a world-class product with a best-of-breed functionality that caters to global pratices for warehousing operations. In the next few sections, we'll cover some fundamental concepts within this application before moving into detailed configuration and functionality.