Direct Allocation

Oracle WMS Cloud allows you to allocate inventory to an order and process the IBLPN to an OBLPN without running a wave through Direct Allocation. This transaction provides the following parameters:


  • reuse-lpn - Set the parameter to Yes to enable the system to reuse the same lpn number when creating an OBLPN.
  • prompt-drop – Set the parameter to Yes to prompt for a drop location where you want to drop the OBLPNs.
  • auto-load – Set the parameter to Yes – the system automatically packs and loads the allocated LPN to the OB load. If the auto-load is set to No, then the system consumes the IBLPN and updates the corresponding OBLPN to “Packed” status and IHT records are updated in the inventory history accordingly.


  1. Make sure that the Direct Allocation RF screen is configured in the system with items and orders created in the system.
  2. Define the parameter for the Direct Allocation transaction. The parameters are detailed above.

Allocate Inventory with/without Lock Codes on an Order using RF Pick and Allocate

You can allocate inventory by handling the transfer of locked as well as unlocked LPNs to different facilities. This is achieved by configuring the screen parameterorder_type_lock_code_match_behavior for the RF Pick and Allocate transaction.

To enable allocation and shipping of inventory of LPNs with/without Lock Code(s) listed on the Order Type field Eligible Lock Codes for Allocation do the following:

  1. Go to Modules > RF Pick and Allocate (rf.outbound.cwrfpickandallocateorder).
  2. Click Screen Parameters > order-type-lock-code-match-behaviour.
  3. Enable the unlocked-or-eligible-locked-inventory parameter option.