Auto-Verify IB Shipment

Auto-Verify IB Shipment will mark shipments that are received and due for verification for a specified duration (or 72 hours from the last LPN received time) as verified depending on the configuration of the scheduled job. Auto-Verify IB Shipment will not only mark shipments as verified, it will also generate the shipment verification output file. This is beneficial because you don't have to verify the shipmentyou are not interested in tracking the shipment.

To set up the Auto-verify IB Shipemt schedule job type, do the following:

  1. From the Scheduled Jobs screen, click Create.
  2. Select Auto-Verify IB Shipemt Type drop-down and and populate all remaining required fields.

    Auto-Verify IB Shipment

  3. Enter the following fields:
    1. Username: Enter the valid username (Login) in WMS should be provided.
    2. Shipment Type: This is a mandatory field. When the job is run, all IB Shipments that have matching Shipment Type and fulfill other criteria for verification will be considered. You can provide one or more shipment types with comma(,) as the delimiter.
      • If no values are entered and you attempt to save the job, the system errors out.
      • Asterisk [*] is not an accepted value for 'Shipment Type' field on the job parameter. You will have to provide the shipment type values explicitly. On saving the schedule job with Asterisk [*] shipment type will display an error message.
      • Shipments without a shipment type will not be considered by this schedule job.
    3. Time since last receipt (hrs): The field indicates the time elapsed since the last LPN was received for the IB Shipment. This field accepts decimal values. If no value is provided, the system will consider 72 hrs as default duration.
      Note: When configuring lesser values, make sure to provide the right shipment type and time since last shipment, otherwise the system could update the status while receiving is still in process.

    NOTE: Shipments with Receiving Started and Receiving Complete status are eligible for verification. Also, shipments will not be verified if they have QC pending LPNs even if the shipments match the job parameter criteria for auto-verify through the scheduler.

  4. Click Save.