Copy Files Job Type

Oracle WMS Cloud allows you to copy all of the fields from the source folder path to the destination path folder provided in the job parameter.

To set up the scheduled job type, do the following:

  1. From the Scheduled Jobs screen, click Create (+).
  2. Select Copy Files from the Job Type drop-down.

    Copy Files Job Type

  3. Populate the rest of the required fields.
  4. Click Save.

    Copy Files Job

    Job Parameter Required Action from the User
    Username Valid user name for the facility.
    Source Folder Path


    Replacing <company_code> with the actual company code and the <fac_code> with the actual facility code.

    Destination Folder Path Set up by client.
    File Pattern

    If you have only set up one of the extract and will like to copy this info, then the value should be:

    • Order > ORH (for order header) ORD (for order dtl) OR* (for both)
    • IBLPN > IBH (iblpn header) IBD (iblpn detail) IB* (for both)
    • IB Shipment > ISH (Ib shipment header) ISL (ib shipment detail) IS* (for both)
    • Vendor > VEN (no detail)
    • PO > POH (for PO header) POD (for PO detail) PO* (for both)
    • OBLPNS > LPH ( oblpn header) LPD (oblpn detail) LP* (for both)
    • IB LPNS LOCK > IBLPN_LOCK (no detail)
    • Inventory History > XIHT
    • Active Inventory > ACT_INV
    • Parcel Manifest > OPS (header) OPL (detail) OP*(for both)
    • OB LOAD > OBS (header) OBL (detail) OB*(for both)
    • Item > ITM (no detail)
    Note: To set more than 1 copy file, you need to set up the value to *.
    Include Sub Folder Level 1 Not supported. Do Not Use.
    Encrypt Not supported. Do Not Use.
    Encrypt Recipient Not supported. Do Not Use.
    Decrypt Not supported. Do Not Use.
    Send Acknowledgement file Not supported. Do Not Use.