Job Parameter

This table lists the Job Parameter field required to run the Scheduled job:

Job Parameter

Job Parameter Required Action from the User
Username Name of the user responsible to run to schedule job within the facility/company.
Start hours back

Enter the start hour period you want the data to be extracted.

For example, Let's say system clock is 02:00 AM of 05 of July, 2009, you set the interval for Every =1, Period = Hour and Start Hours back = 3, then the schedule job is run every 1 hour and the system starts extracting all the modified data from the start hour period (3 hours behind from the system's clock, i.e., 23:00 PM of 04 of July, 2009) till the stop hour period set in the job parameter.

Note: The recommended clock is set to 24 hours format.
Stop hours back

Enter the stop hour period until when you want the data to be extracted.

For example, Let's say system clock is 02:00 AM of 05 of July, 2009, you set your interval Every =1, Period = Hour and Stop hour back =1, then the schedule job is run every 1 hour and the system stops extracting all the modified data till the stop hour period (1 hour from the system's clock, i.e., 01:00 AM of 04 of July, 2009).

Note: Stop hours must not be greater than Start hours. An error is thrown "Stop time cannot be before start time", and the data will not be generated.
Delimiter Users can use this delimiter to seprate the data fields. By default, “|” is set as delimter. User’s can define their own delimited for example, *.
Header Required Whether we populate a header row at the beginning of the file. Valid value ("y" or "n").
Header Prefix

Enter the prefix of your choice. For example, Header prefix = ABC. Then the output generated will have [ABC]|[Comp]|[FAC]|[ORD]

Note: The system has default prefix defined. If the header prefix is left blank, system uses the default prefix to generate the file in the following format: {Hdrprefix}{comp}{fac}_{user}_{from_time}_{to_time}

For information on the default prefix, refer Default Prefix.

Detail Prefix

Enter prefix of your choice.

The file format is as follows:


Now This is for internal use only.
Debug This is for internal use only.