
The Receive ApI is mainly used in our WMS Cloud Mobile app, but it allows you to receive LPNs. Currently, it does not support Attributes, batch, expiry, but it is planned for a future release.

API Signature

POST .../entity/iblpn/receive

The following is an example body for receive API.

{        "facility_id_code": "FAC",
        "company_id__code": "COMP",
        "shipment_nbr": "SHIPMTNBR",
        "container_nbr": "CNTRNBR",
        "recv_dock_nbr_or_location_barcode": "DOCK_NBR_OR_BARCODE",
        "trailer_nbr": "TRLRNBR",
        "lpn_type": "LPT",
        "pallet_nbr": "PLTNBR",
        "item_list": [{                
              "item_barcode": "ITEM1234",  
              "qty": 10,
              "case_qty": 5,    
              "pack_qty": 5 

Request Parameters

Name Required Type Default Description
facility_id Integer Facility context by id.
facility_id__code String Facility context by code.
company_id Integer Company context by id.
company_id__code String Company context by code.
container_nbr X String IB container number
shipment_nbr C String IB shipment number
po_nbr C String Purchase order number
recv_dock_nbr_or_location_barcode String The dock number or dock location barcode at which the LPN is being received.
pallet_nbr String Pallet number
trailer_nbr String Trailer number
lpn_type String LPN type Code
item_list List Sku list

Item List

Name Required Type Default Description
item_barcode X String Item Barcode
qty X Integer Quantity
case_qty Integer Case Quantity
pack_qty Integer Pack Quantity
po_nbr C String Purchase order number
po_seq_nbr C Integer Purchase order sequence number
batch_nbr C String Batch number
expiry_date C Integer Expiry date for a batch
serial_nbr_list C String List of serial numbers in an LPN
po_nbr C String Purchase order number
po_seq_number C Integer Purchase order sequence number
batch_number C (If item is batch tracked, then batch number is mandatory.) String Batch number
expiry_date C (If item is expiry tracked, then expiry date is mandatory. However, if existing batch has expiry date, then expiry date is not mandatory.) Date Expiry date for a batch
serial_nbr_list C (When the company is configured for end-to-end serial tracking, then serial number is mandatory.) String List of serial numbers in an LPN
inv_attr_x (x varies from ‘a’ to ‘o’) C (If item is tracking corresponding inventory attribute, then respective inventory attribute is mandatory.) String Value provided for inventory attributes a-o
qty C Number Value provided as a part of cartonized receipt
manufacture_date C (If item is expiry tracked, then either expiry date or manufacture date is mandatory to pass.) Date Manufacture date

Cross Dock Receiving

The Receive REST API also allows Cross Docking of an LPN.


POST .../entity/iblpn/receive

Request Parameter / Options

Name Required Type Default Options
xdock_mode N String None
  • 'lpn',
  • 'lpn-and-one-sku',
  • 'lpn-one-and-multi-facility',
  • 'lpn-one-and-multi'
  • lpn-and-one-sku : It will first check the receiving LPN with orders that have arequired lpn number. If doesnt match, it will try to do single sku xdock (as long as it is single sku lpn).
  • lpn : It will first check the receiving LPN with orders that required lpn number.
  • lpn-one-and-multi-facility: It will first try to match LPN with an order. If it doesnt match, then will try to cross dock single sku. If it is a multi sku, it will try to xdock facility ( but it has to be a facility order).
  • lpn-one-and-multi: It will first try to match LPN with an order. If it doesnt match, then will try to cross dock single sku. If it is a multi sku, it will try to xdock.

Additional Notes

As of now we support only receiving of normal items. Support for attribute, batch, expiry and serial tracking items will be added later.

Note: Receipt of cartonized LPNs is not supported for batch / expiry / inventory_attributes/ serial-tracking items, even if underlining shipment details for the LPNs have batch / expiry / inventory_attributes/ serial information.
  • We do not support LPN as a Physical Pallet.
  • We do not support detail receiving for cartonized LPNs.
  • We do not support handling over-receipt warning message.
  • QC flow is not supported.
Note: If you are sending a case or pack quantity, it must be a multiple of standard case or standard pack quantity. For a cartonized shipment, the REST API will only pass the LPN information and ignore the item list information.
If a PO number is passed in the API header, the PO is converted to a shipment for a PO based receiving.
Note: When the shipment is subjected for PO-based receiving, the PO sequence will not be considered.

Receive UOM

With the receive API, you can also receive inbound shipments with receiving UOM.

Receiving UOM Sample Body

{ "facility_id_code": "QATST01",
 "company_id_code": "QATSTPC",
 "shipment_nbr": "APIBS25012302",
 "container_nbr": "APCNTR27012301",
 "recv_dock_nbr_or_location_barcode": "BH-DK-01-01",
 "trailer_nbr": "APTRL2701",
 "lpn_type": "PEP-BEV",
 "pallet_nbr": "APPLT-27012301",
 "item_list": [{ 
 "item_barcode": "AP004", 
 "qty": 10,
 "receiving_uom": "LB"