Link OBLPN with Asset

POST …/wms/lgfapi/v10/entity/oblpn/{id}/link_asset

links asset (reusable tote) to oblpn.

  • Only one OBLPN may be linked to one asset per request.
  • OBLPN must be within user's eligible facilities/companies.

Request Body Data

The request body data utilizes the 3 categories in the following ways:

  1. `parameters` – allows user to identify the specific oblpn
  2. `options` – Additional functional data.


Category Name Type Required Description
Parameters container_nbr String Y OBLPN to be linked. "__in" lookup is not supported
Parameters facility_id Integer Container's facility.
Parameters company_id Integer Container's company.

Example Request Body:

"parameters": {
"facility_id": 1,
"company_id": 1,
"container_nbr": "OBLPN-1"

Note: Both facility id and company id also support filtering on “code”.

Additional Options Data

Functional request data in the `options` section:

Category Name Type Required Description
options asset_nbr String Y Asset to be linked. May be created as part of this API.
options asset_seal_nbr String Optionally tracked seal number.
Options replace_container_nbr_with_asset_flg boolean Rename OBLPN to match asset upon linking?
options validate_lpn_type_flg boolean Validate the LPN type of the OBLPN with the LPN type of the asset
"options": {
"asset_nbr": "ASSET-01",
"asset_seal_nbr": "SEAL-001",
"replace_container_nbr_with_asset_flg": true
"validate_lpn_type_flg": true
  • If the Asset already exists in the system, then it will be made "In Use" status and update the Asset OBLPN field with the corresponding OBLPN, Destination field with the OBLPN destination of the linked OBLPN and Seal Nbr field with corresponding seal nbr passed in the API
  • If Original OBLPN is renamed while interfacing (i.e. when "replace_container_nbr_with_asset"= true), system will update the following:
    • Populate OBLPN field with the Asset Nbr,
    • Destination field with the OBLPN destination
    • Seal Nbr field with corresponding seal nbr passed in the API
  • OBLPN type in the Asset table will not get updated with the OBLPN type of the OBLPN
  • If the Asset interfaced is new, then a new record is created in the Asset UI with the status "In Use" with corresponding OBLPN, Seal and destination.
  • If the Original OBLPN is renamed with Asset nbr while interfacing (i.e. when "replace_container_nbr_with_asset"= true), system updates the OBLPN field with the Asset Nbr, Destination field with the Original OBLPN's destination and Seal Nbr field with corresponding seal nbr passed in the interface
  • If the OBLPN is already linked to an asset and another Asset Nbr is passed in the interface for linking with OBLPN, the original asset number needs to be updated back to status "In-warehouse" while the new asset number is updated back to status "In-use".
  • In case if the OBLPN is already linked to an asset/seal and another seal nbr is passed in the API, then update the seal nbr field with the corresponding seal.
  • If the Asset interfaced in the API is new to the system, then a new record is created in the Asset table
  • The fields "asset_nbr" and "asset_seal_nbr" is updated with corresponding data in the oblpn.
  • If Original OBLPN is replaced with Asset Nbr while interfacing (i.e. when "replace_container_nbr_with_asset"= true), system should update the Container table as mentioned below:
    • LPN Nbr is updated with the Asset Nbr
    • Asset Nbr and Asset Seal Nbr is updated with the corresponding value passed in the API
    • OBLPN Type field is not updated with the OBLPN type of the Asset
    • "Ref OBLPN Nbr" field is updated with original OBLPN Nbr
  • The following Inventory History records are created:
    • IHT 57 - Asset Received – This record is not written if the Asset interfaced in the API is new to the system
    • IHT 31- OB Container Modified is written if the OBLPN is renamed with Asset Nbr while linking.