Attachment Upload

The Attachment Upload API allows you to upload attachments to WMS. The attachment name along with the base 64 encoded attachment data needs to be sent in the options section of the request body. The API supports both entity by ID and entity by filters.




Name Required Description
company_id X This is required for all entities
facility_id C This is required only for facility level entities – Inbound LPN, Inbound Shipment, Outbound LPN, Outbound Load and Pallet. Not required for LPN Type
entity X Represents the entity - IBLPN, IBSHIPMENT, OBLPN, LPNTYPE, OBLOAD, PALLET for which the request is being made.
entity_id O Represents the unique ID of the entity, such as Container ID, IB Shipment ID. If entity_key is not populated, this field has to be populated
entity_key O Represents the nbr or code of the entity such Container Nbr, Shipment Nbr, LPN Type Code. If entity_id is not populated, this field has to be populated

Where X = Required; C = Conditional and O = Optional


  • attachment_name (Required)
  • attachment_data (Required) – Base 64 encoded. If using an online tool to encode your attachments to base 64, use output format as “Data URI”

Example Requests

Entity by ID

POST .../attachment/upload/
  "parameters": {
    "company_id": "369",
    "facility_id": "648",
    "entity": "IBLPN",
    "entity_id": 12345 (container_id)
    "options": {
        "attachment_name": "file123.png",
        "attachment_data": "data:@file/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/…" (base64 encoded)

Entity by Filters

POST .../attachment/upload/
  "parameters": {
    "company_id": "369",
    "facility_id": "648",
      "entity": "IBLPN",
      "entity_key": "LPN123" (container_nbr)
    "options": {
        "attachment_name": "file123.docx",
         "attachment_data": "data:@file/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document;base64,UEsDBBQABgAIAGCnNFWaPJ7…" (base64 encoded)


If the attachment is uploaded successfully, a 200 OK is returned with the following field in the response body.


"nbr_attachments": <Nbr of Attachments>


This field indicates the total number of attachments in WMS for the entity ID or entity key passed in the request.

Note: Each attachment uploaded to WMS is tagged with relevant keys that can be used as a search criterion in the Attachments UI in WMS.

Depending on the entity for which the attachment has been uploaded, the keys would be different as depicted in the table below:

Entity Key Note
IBLPN Inbound LPN number Mandatory – Every attachment will be tagged with this key
Inbound shipment number Optional – Attachments will be tagged with these keys only if available at the time of uploading
Purchase order number
Trailer number
Pallet number
OBLPN Outbound LPN number Mandatory – Every attachment will be tagged with these keys
Outbound order number
Outbound load number Optional – Attachments will be tagged with these keys only if available at the time of uploading
Pallet number
LPNTYPE LPN Type Mandatory – Every attachment will be tagged with this key
IBSHIPMENT Inbound shipment number Mandatory – Every attachment will be tagged with this key
Purchase order number Optional – Attachments will be tagged with these keys only if available at the time of uploading
Trailer number
Inbound load number Optional – Although optional, attachments will always be tagged with this key, since this data is always available
OBLOAD Outbound load number Mandatory – Every attachment will be tagged with this key
Trailer number Optional – Attachments will be tagged with this key only if available at the time of uploading
PALLET Pallet number Mandatory – Every attachment will be tagged with this key