Bulk Cancel OBLPN

The Bulk Cancel OBLPN API allows you to bulk cancel OBLPNs. This enhancement work as a mirror to the functionality of RF Bulk Cancel OBLPN.


POST .../entity/oblpn/bulk_cancel

Request Parameters

Name Required Type Description
facility_id Not mandatory String Facility context by id
company_id Not mandatory String Company context by id
facility_id__code Not mandatory String Facility context by code
company_id__code Not mandatory String Company context by code
container_nbr__in Mandatory String List of container numbers
reason_code Not mandatory String Used for inventory history tracking
commit_frequency Not mandatory Integer

0=Roll back on first

error. 1=Commit per

OBLPN cancelled

Request Body Example

    "parameters": {
        "facility_id__code": "123RF",
        "facility_id" : "123",
        "company_id__code": "456AR",
        "company_id" : "456",
        "container_nbr__in": [“CNTR1”, “CNTR2”, “CNTR3”]
    "options": {
        "reason_code": "54",
        "commit_frequency": "1"