Bulk Lock

POST …/wms/lgfapi/v10/entity/order_hdr/bulk_lock/

This operation is used to apply, and optionally create, an order lock to one or more orders.

The number of orders that can be modified by this operation in a single requests is configured by the value of the requesting user’s “Rows per Page” attribute.

The “parameters” section of the request body is required in addition to the “options” section outlined below. One or more parameters are used to determine the order(s) for which the operation will be applied. The allowed filter parameters are:

  • 'id'
  • 'order_nbr'
  • 'facility_id'
  • 'company_id'
  • 'erp_source_hdr_ref'
  • 'erp_source_system_ref'
  • 'orderdtl__erp_source_line_ref'
  • 'orderdtl__erp_source_shipment_ref'
  • 'orderdtl__ship_request_line'
Category Parameter Type Required Default Value Description
options lock_code String X Order lock to be applied.
options lock_description String Value of lock_code Description of order lock. Only used when creating a new order lock.
options comments String “” Additional info for the order’s applied lock.
options allow_allocate_flg Boolean False Order lock attribute. Only used when creating a new order lock.
options autocreate_lock_flg Boolean False When true, the order lock will be created in addition to be applied, if it does not already exist.
options commit_frequency Integer 0

0 = Roll back on first error.

1 = Commit per object.