Change History

Review what's new in this document.

Change Type Date Description
24C release edits Edits 7/1/24

Added the follow APIs:

  • Attachment Upload/GET/Delete
  • Sort and Receive
  • Manufacturing Transaction
  • IBLPN GET All Distributions
  • IBLPN Distribute
  • IBLPN GET Next Distribution
24B release edits Edits 5/17/24 Updated "Using the Wave Template" section in Waves - Run Template.
24B release edits Edits 4/9/24 Added the following API updates:
  • Movement Request API
24A revisions Edits 3/11/24 Added note about Tasks for pick_pack/pick_confirm API.

Updated Print Shipping Labels, Print LPN Labels and Print Pallet Labels.

24A revisions Edits 2/13/24 Updated parameter for IBLPN - Deallocate API.
24A release edits Edits 1/9/24 Release Task API - Print Labels
23D revisions Edits 11/16/23 Updates to Move LPN API, Pick Confirm API, Repack Close LPN API.
23D release edits Edits 10/13/23 Updates to Receive API
23C revisions Edits 8/24/23 Locate LPN or Pallet
23C release edits Edits 7/14/23 Added the following API updates:
  • IB Shipment Patch API
  • IB Shipment entity
  • Receive API
  • (Replenishment) Move LPN
  • Cancel OBLPN
  • Unload OBLPN
  • Bulk Cancel
23B revisions Edits 6/7/23 Added updates to Replenish to Active API
23B release edits. Edits 4/14/23 Added the following API updates:
  • Replenishment
  • Receive Entire Shipment
  • Update Lock Code/Expiry Date on an Existing Batch
  • Repack
  • Receive API - receive UOM while receiving a shipment
  • Updated Pagination section in Resource Representations
23A release edits. Edits 1/13/23 Added the following API updates:

Bulk Create, Batch Number