Direct Consume

POST …/wms/lgfapi/v10/entity/iblpn/{id}/direct_consume/

The direct consume API allows you to consume a Received or Located IBLPN and update its inventory to zero. This will write IBLPN consumed inventory history records.

Note: The `options` parameters, `transaction_ref_nbr`, may now be passed in the request body. This parameters will be added to any CNTR_CONSUMED inventory history records created as part of the API’s execution. The inventory history field `ref_code_3` will now be set as “TRN”. The value of `ref_value_3` will be that of `transaction_ref_nbr` or an empty string.
Category Name Type Required Description
options reason_code String X Used for inventory history tracking.
options transaction_ref_nbr String N Max length of 250 characters.
options num-days-iblpnlost-for-consume Integer N Blank or 0 Considers LPNs in status Lost to be consumed according to the number of days that it has been lost. (Last mod date )