Filter Entity Data using NOT Operator

You have the option to filter for entity data using the NOT operator, "!", in their URL querystring. The NOT operator ("!") is added before the equals ("=") symbol in the key-value pair, and simply negates the statement to which it is added.

Note: This can be a useful tool for retrieving data, but be careful when using this functionality as this type of lookup tends to be slower than an inclusive one.

Example 1:

Filter for a location barcode that contains the string "ABC":

  • .../wms/lgfapi/v10/entity/location?barcode__contains=ABC

Filter for a location barcode that does NOT contain the string "ABC":

  • .../wms/lgfapi/v10/entity/location?barcode__contains!=ABC

Example 2:

Filter for items where part A is in a list of explicit values:

  • .../wms/lgfapi/v10/entity/item?part_a__in=ABC,DEF

Filter for items where part A is NOT in a list of explicit values:

  • .../wms/lgfapi/v10/entity/item?part_a__in!=ABC,DEF