Image Upload

The image_upload API allows you to update an image either by Item ID or Item by Filter.

  • Only one item may be updated per request.
  • An error will be returned if no items are found.
  • An error will be returned if more than one item is found.

Item by ID

POST .../entity/item/{id}/image_upload/

Item by Filters

POST .../entity/item/image_upload/

Supported Item Filter Attributes

The "parameters" section of the request body supports item filters when using this URL style.

  • company_id (Required)
    • This additionally allows filtering on company code: "company_id_code"
  • barcode
  • part_a
  • part_b
  • part_c
  • part_d
  • part_e
  • part_f
  • item_alternate_code

Example Request Body Parameters

"parameters": {
"company_id_code": "COM1",
"barcode": "ABC123"

Request Image Data

Regardless of which URL is used, the image data is passed in the request body's "options" section in the "image_data" key. Data is required to be base64 encoded.

Example Request body options:

"options": {
"image_data": "ABC123"