Directed Putaway Location

The Directed Putaway Location API now allows you to determine the putaway location for a given Inbound LPN or Pallet via a POST request, so that you can locate the LPN/Pallet to its respective destination.

You can determine the putaway location for an IBLPN using the following POST request:

POST .../entity/iblpn/directed_putaway_location/


Name Required Type Default Description
facility_id Integer Facility context by id.
facility_id__code String Facility context by code.
company_id Integer Company context by id.
company_id_code String Company context by code.
container_nbr X String
You can determine the putaway location for a pallet using the following POST request:
POST .../entity/pallet/directed_putaway_location/

NOTE: Oracle WMS Cloud will check the putaway type associated with the IBLPN/ Pallet and check the respective putaway method priority configured for the putaway type. The system then determines the putaway location honoring the putaway method priority rule.


Name Required Type Default Description
facility_id Integer Facility context by id.
facility_id__code String Facility context by code.
company_id Integer Company context by id.
company_id_code String Company context by code.
pallet_nbr X String
Request Options Parameters
Name Required Type Default Description
recalculate_putaway_type_flg Boolean False
validate_critical_dimensions_flg Boolean False

Example Request

POST .../entity/iblpn/directed_putaway_location/
"parameters": {
"container_nbr": "LPNPTW0102"
"options": {
"recalculate_putaway_type_flg": false,
"validate_critical_dimensions_flg": false
POST .../entity/pallet/directed_putaway_location/
"parameters": {
"pallet_nbr": "LPNPTW0102"
"options": {
"recalculate_putaway_type_flg": false