First Available

The first_available API allows you to identify yard locations with available capacity. After fetching this API, you will get the first yard location with capacity based on the yard location putaway sequence. If the putaway sequence is not configured, the fetch will display according to the yard location pick sequence. After you get the location, you can use the locate to yard API to update the trailer location to the yard.

Identify yard location by capacity:



The following are the Query String Filters for this API:

Name Required Type Default Description
facility_id String Facility context by id.
facility_id__code String Facility context by code.
  • Only one of "facility_id" or "facility_id__code" is allowed per request.
  • If no additional context is provided, the user's default facility/company will be used.

Example Requests

GET .../entity/location/yard/first_available?facility_id=1

The following is an example GET request for facility ID:

GET .../entity/location/yard/first_available?facility_id=1

The following is an example GET request for facility ID code:

GET .../entity/location/yard/first_available?facility_id_code=STRAJB01