IB Shipment

Field Type
cust_date_1 Date
cust_date_2 Date
cust_date_3 Date
cust_date_4 Date
cust_date_5 Date
cust_decimal_1 Decimal
cust_decimal_2 Decimal
cust_decimal_3 Decimal
cust_decimal_4 Decimal
cust_decimal_5 Decimal
cust_field_1 String
cust_field_2 String
cust_field_3 String
cust_field_4 String
cust_field_5 String
cust_long_text_1 String
cust_long_text_2 String
cust_long_text_3 String
cust_number_1 Integer
cust_number_2 Integer
cust_number_3 Integer
cust_number_4 Integer
cust_number_5 Integer
cust_short_text_1 String
cust_short_text_2 String
cust_short_text_3 String
cust_short_text_4 String
cust_short_text_5 String
cust_short_text_6 String
cust_short_text_7 String
cust_short_text_8 String
cust_short_text_9 String
cust_short_text_10 String
cust_short_text_11 String
cust_short_text_12 String

Make Changes During Different Shipment Statuses

PATCH API allows you to update shipment header fields for in transit, receiving started, and receiving complete status. From 22D onwards, updating the fields is not supported for shipment statuses of locked for receiving, verification in progress, verified, and cancelled. This change makes behavior consistent with the Web UI.

The following additional fields are allowed to be updated in different statuses.

Field Type
vendor_info String
trailer_type String
manifest_nbr String
ref_nbr String
origin_info String
orig_shipped_lpns (only when ASN is in In-Transit status) String
orig_shipped_units ( nly when ASN is in In-Transit status) String
shipment_type_id Integer
load_id Integer