
The check_in API allows the caller to check-in an inbound or outbound load to a dock door.

Regardless of the method used to identify the load, the following input is valid:

Category Name Type Required Description
options dock_nbr String Y Dock door for check-in.

Load Lookup by ID

POST .../entity/load/{id}/check_in/

The caller knows the unique `id` value of the trailer, which is added to the request URL. No additional `parameters` data is required from the request body.

Example Request Body:

"options": {
"dock_nbr": "DOCK-1"

Load Lookup by Filters

POST .../entity/load/check_in/
Category Name Type Required Description
parameters load_nbr String Y Load for check-in.
parameters facility_id Integer N Load’s facility.
parameters company_id Integer N Load’s company.
  • Only a single load may be moved per request.
    • The `__in` lookup is not supported for `load_nbr`.
  • `facility_id` and `company_id` both additionally support string lookup by `code` using the double-underscore notation:
    • facility_id__code
    • company_id_code
Example Request Body:
"parameters": {
"facility_id__code": "FAC-1",
"company_id_code": "COM-1",
"load_nbr": "LOAD-1"
"options": {
"dock_nbr": "DOCK-1"