Movement Request

The Movement Request API allows ERP and manufacturing applications the option to order specific serial numbers against a particular movement request line. This API allows you to load the stage tables for the movement request entity in JSON format with the required serial numbers.


POST .../wms/lgfapi/v10/stage/movement_request/


Section Name Type Required Description
parameters json_data string yes Data to be shared will be passed in the request header as content type
parameters async boolean (yes/no) By default the value will be considered as true or yes.
parameters only_load_flg boolean (yes/no) By default the value will be considered false.
parameters load_all_errors boolean (yes/no) By default the value will be no. If the value is passed as yes, then do not stop the movement request just on first error.

Select the relevant JSON format file from the Input Interface screen to upload and run the interface for movement request. The API will pull data for the following fields:

  • facility_code
  • company_code
  • movement_request_nbr
  • Sequence_number
  • item_code
  • required_serial_number
  • stage record status
  • error_str
  • create_ts
  • create_user
  • mod_ts
  • mod_user