Next Task

The next_task API allows you to determine the next task via an API operation.

You can search for the next task using the following GET request:

GET .../entity/task/next_task

The following table provides details about the query string parameters:

Name Required Type Default Description
facility_id Integer Facility context by id.
facility_id__code String Facility context by code.
location_barcode String User's current location.
task_type String Required task type.
ordering_rule String Order tasks by rule name.
Facility ID/Facility Code
  • If a value isn't provided, the user's default facility context will be used.
  • Task look up is done relative to the user's facility and eligible company contexts.
Location Barcode
  • If provided, search for task within the same location area (if available) and/or pick sequence (if available).
Task Type
  • If provided, search for task only of the given type.

Ordering Rule

  • If provided, order the found tasks by the corresponding field(s) and return the top result.
  • The value accepted by the API is that of the Task Ordering Rule's description.

The following is an example GET request using location barcode:

GET .../entity/task/next_task?location_barcode=MY_LOCN_BRCD&task_type=MY_TASK_TYPE&ordering_rule=MY_RULE