Locate LPN or Pallet

The Locate LPN/Pallet API allows you to locate an LPN/ Pallet to its respective destination location.

You can locate an Inbound or Outbound LPN to its respective destination using the following POST requests:

Inbound LPN
POST .../entity/iblpn/{id}/locate/
POST .../entity/iblpn/bulk_locate/
Outbound LPN
POST .../entity/oblpn/{id}/locate/
POST .../entity/oblpn/bulk_locate/ 
Note: If you invoke the Locate LPN API by passing an LPN number that is part of the Pallet, the system locates the whole pallet and does not locate the individual LPN (i.e. the remaining LPN’s that are part of the Pallet will also get located.)

Example requests for Locate IBLPN and OBLPN:

POST .../entity/iblpn/bulk_locate/
"parameters": {
"id__in": [1, 2, 3]
"options": {
"location_barcode": "R1-R2-RB1-Rl1",
"depalletize_on_putaway_flg": false
POST .../entity/oblpn/bulk_locate/
"parameters": {
"container_nbr__in": ["LPNPTW0102"]
"options": {
"location_barcode": "R1-R2-RB1-Rl1",
"depalletize_on_putaway_flg": false

You can locate a Pallet to its respective destination using the following POST requests:


POST .../entity/pallet/{id}/locate/
POST .../entity/pallet/bulk_locate/

Example Request for Locate Pallet:

POST .../entity/pallet/bulk_locate/
"parameters": {
"id__in": [1, 2, 3]
"options": {
"location_barcode": "R1-R2-RB1-Rl1",
"depalletize_on_putaway_flg": false

The following validations should be performed while locating the LPN/ Pallet and the system should return an error message.

Validations For LPN For Pallet Error Response
Inbound LPN is not present in the System Yes "LPN not found" .
IBLPN in "In Receiving", "Consumed" & "Cancelled" Status Yes "LPN is not in valid status"
IBLPN in Allocated Status & Company Parameter "ALLOW_MOVING_OF_ALLOCATED_LPNS" is set to No Yes "Locating Allocated LPN is restricted"
Inbound Pallet or Outbound Pallet is not present in the System Yes "Pallet not found".
Inbound/ Outbound Pallet with status other than In facility Yes "Pallet is not in valid status"
OBLPN in Status Other than In Packing/ In Picking/ Packed/ Picked Yes "OBLPN is not in valid status"

On Locating IBLPN/OBLPN which is having lock code with "Prevent Putaway " flag enabled.

Yes "Cannot locate LPN, having lock code %Lock Code% which prevents putaway"

Location Validation Error Response
Location passed in the API if location is not present in the facility "Location not in current facility"
When location doesn't have enough capacity based on (Units/weight/Volume) "Location doesn't have enough capacity for %Parameter due to which capacity check failed%"
When location is permanent not matching with the SKU present in the LPN "Cannot locate, Location is dedicated for SKU %SKU dedicated for location%"
When location with Multi SKU flag disabled & Incoming LPN is Multi SKU LPN "Cannot locate, Location is not allowed for multi SKU"
When location is marked with Restrict Batch, If the incoming SKU with Batch Number is not matching with the SKU +Batch number combination present in the location. "Cannot locate, Location prevents different inventory Batch combination for a SKU. "
When location is marked with Restrict Inventory Attribute, If the incoming SKU with Inventory Attribute value is not matching with the SKU +Inventory Attribute value combination present in the location. "Cannot locate, Location prevents different inventory attribute combination for a SKU. "
When location is marked with "Prevent Putaway Flag" "Cannot locate, Location is Locked"
When location passed is other than QC location for IBLPN with "Quality Check" Status "Cannot locate to other than QC location"
When location passed is other than Drop or staging location for an OBLPN or Outbound pallet "Cannot locate to %location type of given location%"
When drop location passed is configured for IB sorting with criteria value defined, if the Incoming LPN/Pallet breaks the criteria value "Cannot locate, Drop location criteria value is not matching"
When drop location passed is configured for OB sorting with criteria value defined, if the Incoming LPN/Pallet breaks the criteria value "Cannot locate, Drop location criteria value is not matching"


Name Required Type Default Description
facility_id Integer Facility context by id.
facility_id__code String Facility context by code.
company_id Integer Company context by id.
company_id_code String Company context by code.
container_nbr String The allowed parameter filter conditions are "container_nbr" and "container_nbr__in"
id Integer The allowed parameter filter conditions are "id" and "id__in":

Request Options Parameters

Name Required Type Default Description
location_barcode X String
depalletize_on_putaway_flg Boolean False