Bulk Ship OBLPN

This API allows you to ship one or more OBLPN(s) in a single request.

Request Body

POST entity/oblpn/bulk_ship/
Section Name Required Type Default Comments
options commit_frequency integer 1 0=Roll back on first error. 1=Commit per OBLPN shipped.
options require_facility_company_flg boolean True When filtering on fields other than `id`, is the facility and company context required?
 "parameters": {
 "facility_id": "111",
 "company_Id": "222",
 "container_nbr__in": ["OBLPN1", "OBLPN2", "OBLPN3"]
 "options": {
 "locn_barcode": "LOCN123",
 "output_file_to_generate": "oblpn_shipping_info",
 "commit_frequency": 0