Print Shipping Label


Returns the ZPL representation of the label

POST .../wms/lgfapi/v10/print/label/shipping

Submits the label for printing

The “parameters” section of the request body is required in addition to the “options” section outlined below. One or more parameters are used to determine the order(s) for which the operation will be applied.

Category Name Type Required GET Request POST Request Comments
options label_designer_code string X X X Label designer template to be printed
options printer_name string X Default's to cwuser.default_label_printer.
options label_count integer X Number of labels to print. Must be greater than 0. Default = 1.

API Filters

Functions like a bulk operation for identifying one or more IBLPN(s) to be printed: id Including "in" lookup

  • facility_id
  • company_id
  • container_nbr
  • Including "in" lookup

Example Query String for GET


Example Request Body for POST

"parameters": {
"facility_id__code": "FAC1",
"company_id__code": "COM1",
"container_nbr": "IBLPN1"
"options": {
"label_designer_code": "label_1",
"printer_name": "PRINTER1",
"label_count": 1

Response Body Data

On success, a 200 - OK status is returned.

The standardized bulk response body is returned. This will have aggregate information for all IBLPN(s) processed as well as the counts and any details.

For a GET request, the ZPL data bill be base64 encoded in the "data" section.

"record_count": 2,
"success_count": 1,
"failure_count": 1,
"data": {
"IBLPN_1": "VGhpcyBpcyBaUEwgY29kZQ=="
"details": {
"IBLPN_2": "Some error message."