Response Statuses

The HTTP response status will be one of the following and vary depending on the outcome and if checking for existence or existence and modification of one or more resources. Note that this is not the full list of all possible response statuses. Rather, the following statuses are directly tied to this HTTP method’s functionality within lgfapi. For example, one can still receive a 401 status code if not providing valid user authentication credentials.

  • 200 - Ok

When checking for only existence, a 200 status code response means that the resource(s) exist. When additionally checking for modification, this status code confirms that the specific resource exists and has been modified.

  • 304 – Not Modified

Only applicable when checking for modification of a specific resource using the 'If-Modified-Since' header. This status means that the resource exists but has not been modified since the input target date-time.

  • 400 - Bad Request

For HEAD requests, it is possible to receive this status when using the 'If-Modified-Since' header with an invalid date-time value or format. This may also be returned if other invalid data is found, such as invalid query sting filters.

  • 404 - Not Found

No resource(s) were found based on the input provided. This may mean that either the resource(s) do not exist, or they do exist but the requesting user is not eligible for any of the resources.

For example, use a retrieve style request to check for the existence of a company entity with id=1:

HEAD https://.../wms/lgfapi/v10/entity/company/1

Or, it can be applied to a list style request with filters:

HEAD https://.../wms/lgfapi/v10/entity/company?code=ABC