Confirm Active Count

This API allows you to confirm the units available in an active location


POST .../wms/lgfapi/v10/entity/location/{id}/cc_confirm_active_count
Note: with ID in the URL, there are no request parameters, just options.


POST .../wms/lgfapi/v10/entity/location/cc_confirm_active_count

with parameters and options

Request Parameters

parameters (filters)
  • Only applicable when `id` is not present in the URL.
Name Required Type Default Description
facility_id C Integer

Facility context by id.

one of id or code should be provided

facility_id__code C String

Facility context by code.

one of id or code should be provided

barcode Y String Location user is doing Cycle Count
  • If facility is provided, set login context accordingly.
  • Only one of `facility_id` or `facility_id__code` may be provided.
  • Only one of item_barcode or item_alternate_code may be provided.
  • Location type must be Active.


Name Required Type Default Description
count_all_items_flg Y Boolean If true all items in the location must be provided. If false only the items provided will be counted.
validate_only_flg Y Boolean True or False
deferred_mode_flg Y Boolean
item_barcode C String Item identifier
item_alternate_code C String Item identifier
qty Y Integer Quantity of the item
  • If facility and/or company are provided, set login context accordingly.
    Note: This API does not track batch, expiry, srl numbers or inventory attributes. As this API does NOT track those values, if you are trying to count a location with either batch, expiry, srl numbers or inventory attributes you will get an error.


POST .../wms/lgfapi/v10/entity/location/cc_confirm_active_count
    "parameters": {
        "facility_id__code": "FAC",
        "barcode": "Location001"
    "options": {
        "count_all_items_flg": true,
        "item_quantity_list":  [
                "item_barcode": "Item001", 
                "qty": 5
                "item_alternate_code": "itemx2", 
                "qty": 3

Example request by location ID:

POST .../wms/lgfapi/v10/entity/location/{id}/cc_confirm_active_count
    "options": {
        "count_all_items_flg": true,
        "item_quantity_list":  [
                "item_barcode": "Item001", 
                "qty": 5
                "item_alternate_code": "itemx2", 
                "qty": 3


Response is not paginated as its only for one location whether the request uses parameters or ID

if validate is True and successful it will be a 200 response with the response JSON payload

if validate is False and successful, then response is 204, no payload

When validate is False and the request is successful a status of 204 - No Content is returned with no response payload.

When validate is True and the request is successful a status of 200 - OK is returned with a response payload:

If there is no mismatch, then an empty list is returned:

   "mismatched_item_quantity_list": []

If there is a mismatch, the list of item(s) in error with the current quantity found is returned:

   "mismatched_item_quantity_list": [
            "item_barcode": "Item001", 
            "item_alternate_code": "itemx1", 
            "current_qty": 4
            "item_barcode": "Item002", 
            "item_alternate_code": "itemx2", 
            "current_qty": 6